Getting a discount in the store because you've been honorable in townIf nothing else, I have to say that this is the most "alive" open world title I've played to date. It actually feels "lived in." I saved a guys life that had been bitten by a venomous snake. An hour later, He saw me in town and told me to cop a new weapon out of the gunshop on his tab. I initially thought he was setting me up and almost didn't go over, so that was dope. Mychief gripe right now is that I feel the day & night cycle go by entirely too fast, especially when you consider how slow R* clearly wants you to take it. Odyssey got that part right and I wish the day time in particular was a bit longer. Im happy to see that horse bonding is relatively quick, as I've already maxed out my bond with mine 8hours in. I found calming him every now and then (L3) while riding helped a lot in that regard.

I stole a guy's horse for a mission and he was actually waiting for me when I brought it back