Which creatures do you think people should be most wary of in the world?
It would be hard to pick one - they are all uniquely challenging. Cougars are pretty terrifying as they’re fast and can easily catch you when you least expect it. Bears will let you know they are coming, but are tough to kill if you let them get close. Gators can be a menace for the player because they’re hard to spot and there’s a lot of them. They’re territorial by nature and can be found lurking in the Bayou shallows or hiding in reeds, but you’ll usually only hear them hiss or feel the controller rumble as a warning that they’re readying an attack. Wolves hunt in packs and have numbers on their side, so it's about keeping on top of them. Once they’ve got the upper hand, they’ll juggle you – the pack will play with you almost like cats do with their prey.
Each of these “apex predators” has completely unique behaviors based on real animal behavior – from the patterns of their daily lives to the ways they stalk, attack, and kill their prey. Each one is spectacularly dangerous in their own unique way and the player should observe them carefully if they want to survive an encounter.