Seems like half the population are trannies.
That murder rate is too risky for me to see what's poppin' there
Vc é brasileiro bro?Brazil is a society in chaos. Police are violent/corrupt and high levels of inequality continued to persist even after surging commodities prices helped boost its economy up almost 10 years ago. Now they're in a recession, so all of the social issues have been exacerbated.
The bulk of those murders are taking place in the North/Northeast.
As fukked up as things are here in the U.S., at least we have a somewhat politicized population that engages and holds institutions accountable every now and then. In Brazil people basically just accept the status quo, robberies, shootings, rape, anarchy and justify with a fatalistic "somos um pais do terceiro mundo, entao nao se pode esperar mais"-- "we're a third world country, what do you expect"
You haven't really lived until you seen a brazilian tranny with your own eyes.Seems like half the population are trannies.
That murder rate is too risky for me to see what's poppin' there
Vc é brasileiro bro?
Milícia tem mais poder que tráfico no RJ, diz professor
That article is in portuguese but it's an important and revealing article/interview with José Cláudio Souza Alves, a Rio professor who has studied the history of Rio's favelas and poor areas for 25 years. It centers on the militias who are in increasing control of those areas and in this context looks at Marielle's assassination.
He points out that the militias were set up as death squads in the 1970's under the military dictatorship. Their members were drawn from the state, from cops, military police, firemen and prison guards. They became increasingly autonomous of direct control but increasingly integrated into Rio's business and political machinery. They operate as large and very profitable gangs, still basically assassination squads but also running every type of business imaginable and controlling areas which have 2 million inhabitants. They control landfill, water and gas supplies, land sales (including on protected land where they sell lots foe illegal building) and of course drugs. They have elected representatives and control local legislatures, something that the favela gangs have never been able to achieve.
Recent cop operations in the favelas have been a cover for the militias to seize control and this has let to warfare and 150% spike in killings. They now outnumber, outgun and outfinance the favela gangs and there tendency to exterminate all opposition has forced some gangs into temporary alliances with them. Marielle was killed for a very simple reason, she threatened the position and interests of the militias who operate in and around the favelas, dominate the cocaine trade in some places, own businesses and who work closely in league with the police.
I've heardYou haven't really lived until you seen a brazilian tranny with your own eyes.