I thought about it. I might throw it on the Christmas list. I’m not in a rush to play it. Honestly the only reason I’m even considering it is because you recommended it.I dont see Assasins Creed Orgins...Lauce
I thought about it. I might throw it on the Christmas list. I’m not in a rush to play it. Honestly the only reason I’m even considering it is because you recommended it.I dont see Assasins Creed Orgins...Lauce
I beat a bunch of games this year already. I don’t really plan which games I’m going to play. I just play what I feel like playing at the time. Right now I’d like to finish Yakuza Kiwami and Persona 5 in the near future. My cousin and my brother also got ghost recon and they’re excited about playing that co-op so I’ll probably spend a lot of time with that one off the bat. I like Nioh a lot too. I usually play games at least an hour every night, often times more than that depending on what’s going on that day. I had a 2TB internal drive for a while but I kept filling it and having to delete games. I added a 4TB external so now I have 6TB. We’ll see how long that lasts before I start deleting games again.Good shyt. Real talk though, what will you play this year? Of the games I bought, I might not touch one. I still have the BF games in plastic. I need a 2TB HDD for the PS4 and I need to actually play Wolfenstein 1 before I play 2. I have 1 on the PS4 that I bought on PSN that I need to download, lol.
I beat a bunch of games this year already. I don’t really plan which games I’m going to play. I just play what I feel like playing at the time. Right now I’d like to finish Yakuza Kiwami and Persona 5 in the near future. My cousin and my brother also got ghost recon and they’re excited about playing that co-op so I’ll probably spend a lot of time with that one off the bat. I like Nioh a lot too. I usually play games at least an hour every night, often times more than that depending on what’s going on that day. I had a 2TB internal drive for a while but I kept filling it and having to delete games. I added a 4TB external so now I have 6TB. We’ll see how long that lasts before I start deleting games again.
I beat Zelda BOTW and didn't like it overall. I felt that there was way too much wasted space, not enough enemy variety, not enough story dungeons or meaningful boss fights, and I didn't like the way weapons and armor were handled. I don't consider the game to be whack, but I definitely think it's over rated.I feel you on that. I go through a game at a time. Right now, I'm playing Zelda on the switch. This is the hyrule I envisioned as a kid with amazing draw distance that gives weight to the size of the world. I don't have a set plan either, it's usually what I look at. It might be assassin's creed origins next but who knows. Persona 5 got over 250 hours from me. You don't need to drop even 20% of that to enjoy and finish the game but I'm one of those weird gamers that simply explores games. However, it's so dope, enjoy when you get a chance to play it.
I beat Zelda BOTW and didn't like it overall. I felt that there was way too much wasted space, not enough enemy variety, not enough story dungeons or meaningful boss fights, and I didn't like the way weapons and armor were handled. I don't consider the game to be whack, but I definitely think it's over rated.
Let me hold that digital code.Black Friday pickups
It's fire & black excellence, do itI thought about it. I might throw it on the Christmas list. I’m not in a rush to play it. Honestly the only reason I’m even considering it is because you recommended it.
Dat popcorn ceiling, though...These are 2 of the speakers I set up in my house last week that I got from the black Friday discounts at Bestbuy.
I cut holes in the wall to run the wires.
The speakers sound great. The 7.1 surround sound is complete now.