Reality is the definition of insanity


Jan 1, 2018

Reality Is the Definition of Insanity


Peep what I said in a previous texts about an inept chef if you need a ref as we leap into this section because reality is the definition of insanity when seen with detachment. Stop and think:

Anyone who keeps doing the same thing, over and over again, whilst expecting different is obviously missing the bigger pic and doesn’t have enough intelligence to comprehend the futility of his situation. Now, some could say the same thing about me on my one man mission to change the Game and, who knows, they may be correct. Maybe thats a hint about how seductive the need to be right is because don’t we all crave validation? They say that the child who was not embraced by the village will grow and burn it down to feel its warmth instead. Or maybe we all have ours parts to play in the script and mine just happens to be going against the grain. But then, once upon a when, coals didn’t know they could become diamonds so someone has to do something otherwise the record of life keeps skipping. This is the remix:


Religion doesn’t work. There, I said it. Not only are the institutions themselves corrupted and the ways used to foster division as opposed to unification there isn’t a single Soul on record (after the prophets) that actually achieved something worth mentioning. I know, the pills taste bitter but that is just how it is. Its a failed experiment. Maybe it was never meant to do what it said on the tin and the whole point was conflict and confusion in which case it aced the test and was a job well done. Can you look at humanity with that much distance whilst still having compassion or is that a bridge too far?

Law doesn’t work. Now this one everyone knows is crooked because it daily becomes Self evident that any crime with a fine exists solely for poor people to get whipped whilst the rich can afford the best defense to circumvent a sentence as the judge watches them bat a hot potato of wrangling like a litigious Game of tennis in which both sides win as they skim the cream. Divorce and such things, especially, are straight up nuts and akin to a lottery ticket for many women as it doesn’t matter how good the father is because most just rinse em and spend them dividends on themselves and not the children. Obviously there exceptions but there are plenty of men that killed themselves or went into a downward spiral after said events and if you read the paperwork you’d utter “What the F?” when you look at the decisions. This brings us on nicely to:



Jan 1, 2018
Mental health doesn’t work. One of the worst kept secrets about this trade is most who parlay in their “skills” are actually messed up themselves. Thats why they got into the field in order to try and make some sense of their heads. Go and check how many shrinks point at the fat lady and tell her to sing as well as the rates of addiction and various other coping mechs. And this is who you place you faith in? I may detail, elsewhen, some cases that will make your head spin but for now lets say that the side that push pills (even though they know the whole “chemical imbalance” deal is BS) are just as bad as the “Hey, lets talk about it years and create no workable solutions beyond you paying my rent, okay?” hacks. The evidence for this is all around because mans psyche is so fractured and messed up as the previous two points attest but they have nothing on the next:


Money doesn’t work. I know, some would say it never sleeps but the first thing to consider is that it isn’t real. A team print it up out of nothing and then sell it to the government at interest. Yep, you heard it right. Money for nothing and the checks for free because you pay for it all with blood, sweat and inflation hence the boom and bust cycles. Its a great scheme when it comes to global oppression and mass manipulation because nine out of ten plebs will never comprehend its the real reason Hitler, Hussein and Gadaffi were called the worst in the press and then murdered to death but thats another topic. Take a look if you wish but the alternative to cash backed by nothing where you pay no interest on the debt would create a totally different way of playing the Game but this con is old as the empire itself and its the strength with which it bends poor countries (and their rich resources) to its whim. Moving on lets take a glimpse at the web:


The internet doesn’t work. What offered the promise of equality and connection has turned most into a total mess of extreme isolation, image building and manipulation mixed with constant dissatisfaction at what presents in the quest for further novel stimulation. Have you noticed, over the past few especially, how the results that kick whenever you look for anything are as bland and generic as you can imagine? If you ever were a fringe person who researched things that fell outside of mainstream consciousness you seen it happen in real time as a lot of that content was purged and was never seen again which, on the net, is quite a rare thing. And yet, it happened. Nowadays, with the whole AI flex which is laughably trained on the words of the den of social rejects and circle jerking that is Reddit, along with SEO pimps its became next to useless if you actually want to find something real and untainted. By the way, you should read this article about how the net is dead and its filled with bots to distort your perceptions. Just like the previous tricks in that respect, yes?

The drugs don’t work. They just make you worse because the side effects cause their own range of problems and people don’t click that their friendly local medical professional has actually been coopted by the pharmaceutical rep who backhands him some prizes for draws he didn’t enter if he pushes the most pills under their latest patent. This is real, no tinfoil needed. Round my way everyone was on something (from both types of pharmacies) and they’d often bring me their product for my opinion. One day I noted that an alcoholic, an epileptic and a depressive all had the same pills. “What the F?” I thought to my Self and told the three of them to go back to the doc and ask the mechanism of action, reason for prescription and their previous medication along with when it was shifted. Needless to say the man didn’t like being second guessed and wanted to know who put them up to this so when he landed at my doorstep we had a very interesting conversation about off label scripts, the placebo effect and the power of suggestion. And this is to whom you entrust your health? Speaking of which:


Food doesn’t work. Its pumped full of chemicals to hide the fact its lacking in nutrition like a set of plastic t*ts stuck on a man who cut off his dingaling in order to beat women at sports he’d otherwise get trounced in. This one I’ve spoken on at length in another missive but a basic recap is that supermarkets are bad for your health because they pimp the suppliers, destroy local businesses and sell third rate product and get away with it because most folks are dim and only look at the savings without considering the expense and the fact they slip huge backhanders to the politicians in order to increase their leverage. Which links in to the final topic:



Jan 1, 2018
The government doesn’t work. Or maybe it does just that because the hidden meaning of this spell is to control the mental and if you can convince people to go maim and kill for a potential piece of thread then you’ve aced that assignment, yes? On a more mundane level I’d be willing to bet that single parent from the bricks could manage a whole countries budget better than the so called professionals as they enact laws that seem to be built on extracting the most profit whilst creating huge obstacles and generally making a mess of the lives of the plebs who then turn around and vote for the same establishment to slap them up again as they don’t click that both wings are attached to the same thing. I mean the word politics could be seen through a Dual Reality lens as highlighting “many leeches”, yes? Some would say I’m disrespecting the language but I’m here to say that the spells themselves are Devilish. Actually that is a huge topic because English in that respect is the most wicked there is, being half a language that is then flipped and inverted in order to cause a fractured resonance in those who use it as prime mode of communication. Just ask anyone who knows a few tongues as well as the chaos its writ and the rivers that have ran red wherever its spread its influence.


There are way more topics I could pick that are more modern inventions designed to create conflict or highlight problems where none existed but the above is enough to get started because who can deny this? Do you see why I said reality is the definition of insanity? Now, if you are willing to step back a bit, raise your awareness and increase your resolution you may just spot the fingerprints of the hand thats well hid and its attachment to the Slave/Masters because, according to them, this is all by the script and working as intended. Which, if your goal is ceaseless conflict where you profit from both ends and keep the people fighting among themselves and stressing over small details so they don’t have the time, patience or intelligence to comprehend the bigger pic then they’ve aced the mission. School (aka the concentration camp wing of the System) with its enforced indoctrination that was designed to turn humans into replaceable components is a huge part of the problem and they laugh, at the end, when you stick a black square on your head as you’ve accepted the mission which says:

Repeat what we said, regurgitate it well on the test and we’ll make sure you progress in the quest to accrue debt under the potential of promise that should allow you to make more dividends“.


Jan 1, 2018
Its strange how the kids that never went to school, back when, and were written off as thick and went on to become plumbers and such things are sitting in a fat crib with no debt and a thriving business whilst the geek that got a PhD in economics is flipping burgers for the king because nobody wanted to employ him. Make that make sense. Like I said, I can’t be the only who can see the Emperor is naked and if the above is not Self evident then should I place a tinfoil turban on my head and join in with the rest who are well adjusted to such immense sickness? Can’t do it. Not happening. I’m playing the Game on another wavelength because none of this happens without your tacit acceptance and compliance. Where I’m from the elements are criminal so you get to learn the hustles up close and personal. Then as I progressed I saw that legitimate business and the world at large works on the same principles except they dress it in another skin in order to exploit the ignorance of the people who are generally quite decent and just want a fair shake with some happy times and grins. What they get instead is force fed helpings of the above and then some as I haven’t even touched on things like forever chemicals and xenoestrogens with the mind bending effects or what the hell actually sits in the water that you sip and countless other things.


If you’ve made it this far then congratulate your Self before placing a healthy slap across your dish because you’re complicit in your own oppression and, as usual, its the kids that pay for it. Not for nothing is that spell linked with animals sacrificial and that ties back in to this corrupt language I’m using to sketch a pick in your head via the black mirror in your grip which is a whole nother tin of worms with a hyper-dimensional aspect because the tools to suppress billions, as stated, are nothing less than wicked but they are also quite effective ergo your mind is behind enemy lines and you are here to serve out a life sentence and this becomes Self evident when you link all of the bits because all of the above are optional if one is willing to check the OS inside their head and ask:

“Who coded it? To what intent? Does it work in my best interests? What have those who came before accomplished with this? Can we change it? If so, how? What would happen if we did?”.

Do you see why I called it a concentration camp now, my friend? Its because the first order of business when it comes to indoctrination into an altered state of consciousness is to kill your imagination and thus exchanging thinking for Thunking where the creative imperative shifts to moving around predictable bricks into limited arrangements then arguing with those who, nine times out of ten, are saying the same things but with a different dialect as they use your ignorance to project this division onto Them along with the voice in your head that says:

When we wipe them out then life will be perfect, until then we’ll keep on fighting as we’re on a divinely sanctioned mission against those infidels so let em rip!“.

The Game of Souls has you, my friend. Haven’t you ever wondered what hell could have that we don’t already manifest in this realm? The paradox is heaven is also present and that is what makes it so seductive because hope springs eternal thus most folks just keep on stepping on the psychosocial treadmill, just like their parents, as they dare not question tradition and, worst of all, Thunk they are small and little. “Powerless in the grand scheme of things” is whats written in Slaves head whereas a Warrior comprehends his awareness is from the Prime, the pre-existing and without your presence none of this exists ergo the level of responsibility is immense and its from this wavelength I send this message as there are other options for those willing to do the Knowledge and walk out of the Mind Made Prison they currently languish in because the key was always around your neck and, worst of all, the doors were never locked – you just never pushed the limits as you accepted what they said whereas I’ve rebelled since I stepped in as I believe in reality testing and seeing all the angles as they may just be old devils in a new dress. Like the forthcoming Techno Sapiens but thats a whole nother message in this Game that we play by inserting our Souls as credits, ya dig?

Till we meet again


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks



C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
No cap they really got those people living in the woods.

Accidentally stumbled upon one upstate dirt biking with the kid. I barely got to see it; I got real shook and the spider sense said get the fukk outta there so I did. :sadcam:
play it this way or play it that way only promise is a dirt nap*