I am not an Alt. Right person, but I think it's easy to understand where all this is coming from.
From what I see liberals, control nearly everything in mainstream media. Obviously CNN, NPR, MSNBC, NY times, Washington Post, Time magazine, Local news, late night talk shows, The Daily Show, HBO talk shows.. Then there is Hollywood... and now they control Video Game companies. I am not sure what Conservatives have in opposition to that. Talk radio and Fox news and that is about it.
Even the Chinese refer to mainstream western media as "liberal" in a demeaning manner.
I did consulting work for one of the huge Youtube channels and I worked at one of the largest Social Media companies. 99% of all employees at those companies were not just liberal but nearly on the far left.
On the internet, none of the alt. right platforms are that big in comparison to their opposition
Vox, Buzzfeed, TYT and others have way more viewers than Alex Jones, Steffen Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sam Harris or Sargon of Akkad. Further, It's also very telling that the Left has labelled anyone who is even slightly to right of their extreme politics as Alt. Right.
Let's think about the people I just mentioned.
Steffen Molyneux-- a White nationalist libertarian.
Alex Jones -- A christian conservative
Sargon of Akkad -- a traditional leftists (labor rights/ socialism)
Dave Rubin -- Moderate leftist and Jew
Sam Harris -- Anti Zionist / Atheist /Socialist
Ben Shapiro -- Hyper Zionist Libertarian.
These guys couldn't be any more different, but they have collectively been labelled the figure heads of the Alt. Right. Now, The Alt Right even includes Bret weinstien (A progressive) and Jordan Peterson (who is from the objectivist school from what I can tell). The Alt. Right is just a growing collective of different viewpoints and perspectives that have been labelled as "wrong-think" by the Left's extreme leadership.
The only neutral and popular platform in ALL MEDIA is the Joe Rogan Podcast, and that's it. Everything else in media is hyper polarized.
The left has spent a long time maneuvering their way into dominate position to influence society. The left doesn't use it's platform to influence people, through reason and logic, to jump on their platform. I rarely hear figure heads on the left actually talking up the unions, talking about worker's rights, or increased welfare programs, or better trade policies to protect American workers. 100% of the Liberal mouthpieces are full on ranting about LGBTQXYZ, pandering and playing up racial hierarchies, and attacking men at every moment.
If a movement is built on attacking people, putting people into inseparable groups, and pandering/ fanning the flames of an inter-ethnic civil war, what is going to be the expected outcome? It's the exact outcome that is happening now. Lines have been drawn. People are venting their frustrations on a safe platform like the internet, but sooner or later, it's going to spill over into the streets.
As result a HUGE counter-culture movement has sprung up, and that's what is happening on the streets of America and within the so-called Dark Web movement, which is helmed by people like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. The new term "Dark Web" is a better description of what is happening. Alt. Right is a specific set of National Socialist ideas that have been championed by Internet dikkheads like RamzPaul or Richard Spencer.
Go to places like Reno, NV. Detroit, Stockton CA, Sacramento CA, Cleveland OH and many other non-coastal, non-texan cities in the untied states, and it's obvious that these places are turning backwards and have been turning backwards for the last 15 years. They don't even seem like 1st world areas anymore. Many of these places having many desperate white people that feel like their voices aren't being heard, and a equal amount of desperate blacks and Hispanics who only cling to the democrat party because of a racial alliance. Something is going to give, and the internet comments are just a symptom of something dangerous that is brewing.
When you look at the Democrat strongholds like Redwood City, Los Gatos, Marin Country or Palo Alto, is almost sickening to see what they all have in common-- Ultra rich, Ultra white, uppity, Whole Foods, BMWs, Tesla's and Farmer's markets. That is the true face of the democratic party, and I think most people are starting to wake up to that.