I like Tariq but he has to vet people better than this. Co-signed the Black Guns Matter dude, he turned out to be a c00n/weirdo. Put money on the Tulsa Real Estate Finesse without looking into it or Jay Morrison himself. Then had the dude on his show which no doubt got more people to buy into JM, a guy with outstanding lawsuits for $100s of thousands and a bankruptcy in 2016 that he’s yet to address.
JM calls himself young Malcolm and his wife young Betty. But I read Malcolm’s book and don’t happen to recall Malcolm bragging about running into celebrities at the Gucci store or having his wedding in Fiji. In due time Tariq will have to walk back his co-sign of this individual.
...and Tariq will not be held accountable by his worshipers, while his worshipers are working overtime to shyt on JM for offering a stream to his wedding for specific folks OR shyting on Dr. Watkins for repackaging a service from a non-Black, that he viewed as a quality product
Truly it's clear at this point that the top 1% of scammers in the Black community includes the stans/fans of Tariq, Yvette, JM and Watkins and any other stan/fan of a woke Black person that defends/deflects/downplays every wrong they do. Yet another example of Black folks contributing to their own plight by encouraging distrust among themselves by cherry picking who to hold accoutnable