Feed the children
atheism is just as bad as any other organised religion
You do realize that doesn't make any sense right?atheism is just as bad as any other organised religion
You do realize that doesn't make any sense right?
Again, that doesn't make any sense. Use your brain and think this through.How so?
Both work on the basis that their belief is right all others are wrong,
Atheists believe there is no higher power out there none of you can prove it so yes it is a belief.
How so?
Both work on the basis that their belief is right all others are wrong,
Atheists believe there is no higher power out there none of you can prove it so yes it is a belief.
How so?
Both work on the basis that their belief is right all others are wrong,
Atheists believe there is no higher power out there none of you can prove it so yes it is a belief.
Be black and blindly devote yourself to the very same religion that was used as a tool to justify your enslavement brehs.![]()
Again, that doesn't make any sense. Use your brain and think this through.
But it is not like any other organised religion because religions have guidelines on how to live your life so you do not go to hell. Atheism has no guidelines, it just a-theism. Opposite of theism
But it is not like any other organised religion because religions have guidelines on how to live your life so you do not go to hell. Atheism has no guidelines, it just a-theism. Opposite of theism
I think the point with atheism that makes theism so incredulous is that you can believe anything....literally anything. So, ok, no atheist will never know for certain that god exists. But a Christian can never know for certain that their or other gods do not exist either. How do theist know they're worshiping the right god? What if Christianity is the wrong religion to follow? Just because you happened to be born into a religion or because its popular in your region of the world where you live doesn't make it right. what if the correct one is from some long dead and gone culture that worshipped the sun or some shyt?
Personally, I'm a Deist. Me and my family has been fukked over by various different churches and denominations for years and years. My parents still read the bible, but i've since disassociated myself with organized religion altogether. I beleive that there is something out there that may have sparked the creation of the universe, but I really don't feel like it goes much further than that. It really doesn't care or hell, it probably doesn't even know that we exist, but I think that there is something out that that (with relation to humans) has seemingly "god-like" powers...and no, its not watching and judging everything we do, nor does it care if we eat shellfish or wear clothing to two different fabrics.
And I know people feel very strongly about their faiths because it feels good and it feel real to them when you get caught up in it, but you really need to evaluate why it makes you feel good.
The irony.Darg it makes perfect sense do you not believe that there is no higher form of being?
If you can't substantiate you're line of reasoning or at least say why you disagree then stop quoting me