-DX segment...glad Sandow got some shine, Pac looked..., Gunn still in shape and can prolly get a job with them 2morrow, Roaddog still THEE mouthpiece, HBK losing his smile, hair, voice, religion all at once, HHH still thinks this is cool...yeah...
-Swagger is hitting all time lows
-AJ/Bryan thing wasn't worked right, especially if they're tryna keep Bryan heel and AJ face. Bryan got mad sympathy. And honestly, he CARRIED the segment from wedding to the rock bottom. And that's WITH The Rock and Punk on mics in-ring simultaneously.
-Bret Hart shows love to Perfect
-Miz beats Christian in 5 minutes, wins belt, still heel...
-Heyman straight sonning Ache and Stephen McMahon leading to getting attacked, Brock save, HHH comes out on top, remember guys...not even Cena could do that

Vader and Sid one more 'gain?

-Gene TV...Ryder is the new Sherlock Holmes
-Takers struggles with his hoody, touching brother-2-brother beatdown
-Cena first to lose, as it should be, he doesn't need the victory. Why Rock came with the save, who knows. Why Punk is considered a heel now, who knows. Last I remember, he don't like Rock neither. And why would he try and fight off Big Show, that's none of his business. And WHY oh WHY was Rock selling that clothesline like it was from Stan Hansen??