Alright, after letting it simmer, my thoughts on WrestleMania 29:
The Shield remains strong, I like that.
Biggest surprise of the night was Mark Henry going over Ryback. Happy for Mark, but then Ryback acts like a fukking sore loser after the match. But he's the babyface, right?
Fandango kept up with Jericho, which was nice to see, and he got the win. Good for him.
Team Hell No retains, and Ziggler and AJ is stuck in limbo. I'll go more into detail on that in a minute.
Punk and Taker stole the fukking show. PERIOD. That was MOTN, and a MOTY candidate if I ever saw one. Blew HHH/Brock and Rock/Cena out the goddamn ocean. Punk also hurt his leg bad during the match, so him taking time off could not come at a more perfect time. All hail CM Gawd.
The Bellas got cut from the card.
ADR/Swagger was decent, and that was it. No Ziggler cash in did not please me. Let's hope the rematch between these two at Extreme Rules is better.
HHH/Brock may have been the worst match of the night. Seriously. It was fukking BORING. It went on 5-10 minutes way too long, thanks to Hunter using the Kimura 50 fukking million times, and no blood. I may sound like an Attitude Era mark, but with a match this personal, and with the stakes so high, no color in this was very disappointing.
As for "Twice In A Lifetime", I'm not mad that Cena won, it's HOW he did it. A simple, clean pin in the middle of the ring? That really shows your desperation on wanting to get redemption there, John.
It was basically the same match as last year, with about 20 million counter reversals of the same move. The crowd wasn't into it for about 10 minutes, and were even chanting "BORING" at one point. They also booed the handshake/respect thing at the end.
And let me say this: The Rock did the right thing in putting Cena over, no issue with that. The problem I have is that it happened the way many fans feared would happened. There was no freshness, very little unpredictability, and the end result was something Cena haters (both partial and extreme) hate: His big goofy no-selling smile as he holds the title high and pyro goes off. I would have thought he would hit Rock with the belt after the hug, but alas, I was wrong.
I just wanted something DIFFERENT this year, that was all.
Now, as for my favorite Crazy Chick AJ, I could complain about her not wrestling on this particular card, but it would be pointless.
I posted this in the Appreciation thread, and I'll repeat it here. Even though I am a self-admitted AJ mark, homerism and fan bias has it's limits. It would not make AJ look right if she was all boo-hoo about not wrestling on Mania, considering the year she had in 2012. She was the GENERAL MANAGER OF RAW for Christ's sake.
So yeah, while it would have been great to see her wrestle at WM, especially considering the fact that it's in her hometown, I think AJ is extremely grateful and satisfied that she even made the show at all, and even though I dislike that mindset that some superstars have (happy just to make on TV, but not enough drive to take it to the next level and be world champ or whatevs), in this case, I will make an exception, because while AJ got her spot, and rightfully so, guys like Cody, Sandow, and Cesaro, who is the fukking US Champion and has held it since SUMMERSLAM, didn't. I feel more bad for those guys than I would for AJ.
Now remember that in her final WM Diary vid, she was very sad and in near tears after "not getting what (she) wanted." I don't think it was because she didn't get a chance to win the Divas title or even have a match on the card. IMO, the tears and the line "Not what I wanted" may have been in reference to Ziggler and Big E not winning the tag straps, which would be the right kayfabe thing to say. If so, that's a GREAT acting job by AJ.
Again, AJ not wrestling on the card this year is not the end of the world. She has all the time to keep improving her skills, moveset, build even more towards her character over the next year, so that by the time WrestleMania XXX rolls around, or maybe even sooner, when AJ becomes Divas Champion, that moment will be all the more special. It would feel incredibly rushed if they did it now. Also, she needs to be a babyface to make the moment more satisfying to complete her underdog story.
Now again, this all depends on whether or not WWE will even give a flying fukk about the Divas division to spend that time building up someone (whether it be Kaitlyn or whomever) to be that perfect counterpart to AJ, that Trish to her Lita.
So all in all, I give WrestleMania 29 a 6/10, and that's my 2 cents.
Sorry for the long ass read folks, lol.