Yeah but who is matching Steve Austin's tenacity? Who is bringing in the buzz like Tyson did by 1998 that started all of those huge reactions and bigger than life moments? And it doesn't matter if the part timers are there or not, if Vince McMahon wants you in a top spot, you will be. Cena is the most reviled top face in pro wrestling today in any company anyone can think of and he's pushed at the top. He drives away viewers and buyers yet he's pushed on top. The rhetoric that things will get magically better without big names around don't make sense. Never did. They were gone for a year and what really stood out overall? A few CM Punk promos, Daniel Bryan in general, a unique push out of nowhere for the Shield, Ryback being held down, and D Bry being regulated to tag team duty because they don't want him getting cheered like a god every week in single's matches. It is what it is. It's the McMahon way.