I’m not saying she needs to go to the extreme, but the extreme represents your “peak” look, therefore she’d be a strong 8 or even 9. But she’s the opposite, like she doesn’t nothing to accentuate herself nicely, that’s why I say she’s a 6 that would easily be a 7 on a daily basis with a little effort - better fashion, hairstyles, and the basic makeup women do to perk themselves up - mascara, manicured eyebrows and a bit of cheek color (as she’s really pale)
Fair enough and I guess I can agree with that. So if we rate her highly, isn't that good bc we can see her for not only how she does look now- but also know what she really could look like?
Kind of like how most models (the real ones, not IG thots) look very regular when they aren't working. I view her similarly.
You're just saying she could do some small basic things and she'd be a little higher. I guess I understand but I don't feel like she needs it. Will agree I don't like how she dresses tho.