8. Though I might change it to a 9.
By arc,
SAO is a 8.5-9. The worst thing about it is that it ends too quickly, IMO.
ALO is a 5. 6 on a good day. It's still a chore to get through that arc.
Rosario is a 7.5-8. Good arc, but super sad ending.
GGO is a 7.5-8. Good arc, but not SAO level.
Cardinal Ordinance is a 7.5-8. That might change to a 8-8.5. I have to rewatch.
Alicialization is a 9 on its way to be a 10. The best arc they've put out so far.
GGO spin off is a solid 8. Enjoyable captures that GGO feeling and no Kirito.
Accel World is another solid 8. About a 20 year time skip from SAO.