Don’t see how you can really rank Biden yet.
They’re allthough.
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Don’t see how you can really rank Biden yet.
They’re allthough.
Nah the tech boom and low interest rates had the economy growing.I put Clinton over Obama. he had the economy popping.
I put Clinton over Obama. he had the economy popping.
The economy was humming for some, but not everyone. NAFTA killed our work force. He was really bad president.
Nah the tech boom and low interest rates had the economy growing.
Clinton laid the groundwork for the 2008 Great Recession with his financial deregulation and destroyed jobs for large swaths of population with NAFTA. He was an awful president and his legacy has aged horribly.
Obama had an amazing economy when things rebounded
I never thought I would experience anything like it after the recession we had
Clinton was a bad president because he pandered to conservatives. His policies were all much further right than you'd expect from a Dem POTUSMaybe I don’t know what I’m talking bout. I was just too young then to understand.
Man these Republicans be coming up with some trash presidents though.
tier 1: obama, clinton
tier 2: carter
tier 3: bush, trump
tier 4: bush jr, reagan
they are not all rankable linearly. some are about the same, so i made a tiered list. all are inadequate and im not ranking biden yet
Seems like you're more forgiving of Trump than most. I could understand putting W and Reagan below him I guess, he's definitely worse than the first bush.
Outside of the Gulf War he barely did anything memorable positive or negative, the worst thing he did was probably producing Dubya. I think Trump is way worse simply because he had much more of a toxic impact on politics.
Trump is awful, but he was not the cause of our toxic politics. He's simply just the culmination of racist, neoconservative policies that took over w Reagan's admin, which where also the culmination of the GOP courting disaffected racist southern democrats who left their party during the civil rights era.
The reason Trump isnt as low as Reagan or W is pure luck. If he had any sort of competency, the he'd be able to enact much worse polices. Besides the COVID, he pretty much avoided any huge opportunities to really fukk us up like W did getting us into Iraq ect.
That's cool. For what it's worth Obama was handed a dumpster fire of an economy before kicking off the longest bull run ever. His policies also incentived the production and sales of electric vehicles and green energy in general
Clinton signed NAFTA, so that puts him in tier 3 or 4......even a tier 5 in my book.tier 1: obama, clinton
tier 2: carter
tier 3: bush, trump
tier 4: bush jr, reagan
they are not all rankable linearly. some are about the same, so i made a tiered list. all are inadequate and im not ranking biden yet
Or NAFTA... although he tried w the TPPObama's presidency didn't include the fukking Crime Bill. That alone gives Obama the edge
I agree with most of what you're saying, and yeah in terms of policies Dubya/Reagan are worse. But I think you're somewhat downplaying Trump's toxic effect on politics.
He might not be the cause but he made it a lot worse. You literally had white nationalists marching after Trump won. He pretty much made blatant lying a normal thing and has literally convinced most of the Republican base that Biden isn't the legitimate president. And conditioned them to believe that any media critical of him is "fake news". Not to mention how he politicized getting vaccinated which I'm sure led to a lot of deaths that wouldn't have otherwise happened. Incited a riot at the White House. And you now have pretty much every Republican politician trying to emulate him. This amount of toxicity and disinformation just isn't something you saw with Bush...