Missed so many lights that way. And missed lights lead to missed buses. I've missed my connections by seconds because we missed ONE LIGHT due to long dwell times. Some bus drivers have their foot on the accelerator before the person has both feet in the door good, others wait until EVERYBODY has sat down. Or until everybody pays their fare, even of they have to load their smart card. That's against the rules by the way, you don't argue over the fare. You tell the passenger
the bus is 1.25 and if they still don't pay the bus driver presses a button on the farebox and keeps it moving. I hate when they stop at yellow lights too.
Being on a major thoroughfare like Westheimer, coming up to some small ass street like CAC Pine Acres and dealing with a fukking 45 second light.
Traffic lights that don't have both opposite lanes protected lefts at the same time.