aka bx_representer
I guess the solution is to not schedule anything worth a damn til February

These takes are so annoying. The schedule is made in the summer
The weekend schedule starts after football
Over/over with the same hot takes
The schedule is made in the summer but you didn’t need to be a psychic to know that the Thunder & Celtics were gonna be really really good this season. Putting it as a matinee game against NFL Sunday was a weird choice, but those who wanted to watch watched
The Thompson twins are the most athletic players in the league and it's not close
I personally think the scheduling and "ratings issues" have very little to do with Silver's and the league's ineptitude. They've figured out it simply doesn't matter to their value. We're in a new world - a technofeudalist world - and Silver et all have figured out what the audience still hasn't: the NBA doesn't need to spotlight Boston-OKC, or Wemby vs Joker; the market for the game continues to grow abroad and with gamblers. And the way the game is played - more point, more chaos, more dangerous than ever to bet unless you really really really really have a depth of knowledge - is a boon for Vegas.
If the league doesn't care, why should I? Been a gold rush of great games lately, so I'm just enjoying that.
Can’t convince me the warriors FO has ever been tryna compete. Stumbled into making a contender off Steph’s back and hasn’t traded a first round pick since KD left (over half a decade ago for anyone wondering).