Random NBA Observations 2023 - 2024


Feb 17, 2014
Jalen is just low iq basketball. Hes worth the wait at the moment though because if he puts it all together, hes better than what they could trade him for. When hes on, it’s because hes playing smart basketball and making quick correct decisions. He still hasn’t learn not to drive into the paint with three defenders waiting for him with no counter plan. Should be easy to counter but nope he’ll force in and turnover the ball most times.

It’s like the Jalen doesn’t realize he’s more physically talent than most ppl in the court with him.. His first step is elite. He doesn’t know how to use it most of the year
The iq thing is definitely a part of it. His court awareness is sometimes downright awful. The variance with his jumper and the complete lack of floater (just disappeared from last year) is a skill thing. Well I guess the floater is a combo cause it’s like he doesn’t even know when to use it

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
I don't know if this has been posted before but Gobert's comments about the refs being influenced by gambling sent me down a rabbit hole so :manny:

Foster is the official who received 134 phone calls from disgraced referee Tim Donaghy between October 2006 and April 2007, as originally reported by FOX News. That was the same period during which Donaghy admitted to betting on NBA games.

The report said that Donaghy called Foster more than any other ref and that he didn't call any other official more than 13 times. Donaghy's calls to Foster took place immediately before and after games Donaghy was officiating 54 times.

The initial report showed the following call log from the day of Dec. 30, 2006:

10:34 a.m. – Donaghy calls Foster.
10:35 a.m. – Donaghy calls another referee.
10:36 a.m. – Donaghy calls [Thomas] Martino, the "middleman" between him and his bookie.
10:39 a.m. – Donaghy calls Foster.
5:15 p.m. – Donaghy calls Martino.
5:23 p.m. – Donaghy calls Martino.
7 p.m. – Donaghy referees game between the Miami Heat and the Orlando Magic. The Magic win in a rout, 97-68.
8 p.m. – Foster referees a game between the Toronto Raptors and the Memphis Grizzlies in Memphis. The Grizzlies win 110-104. Foster and Donaghy speak 12 minutes after the game.
11:27 p.m. – Foster and Donaghy speak for at least the fourth time of the day.
11:38 p.m. – Foster and Donaghy speak for at least the fifth time of the day.
The records also showed Donaghy making several calls to Foster on the days of games, generally for no more than two minutes.

The report also said that when Donaghy called Foster, he mostly used the phone that he dedicated to gambling-related phone calls, and the phone calls stopped abruptly when Donaghy said he stopped gambling.

"The only thing I'd say is that I love being an NBA referee," Foster said in November 2008 while trying to clear his name. "What's happened over the last 18 months hasn't been fair."

Foster insisted the numerous, short calls were just friendly conversations, and that betting was never a topic they discussed.

"It's not atypical for officials to play phone tag from time to time," Foster told Sports Illustrated. "Just today I've talked to two refs twice and two refs once. We go back and forth. I get to the airport and I'm in the security line, I'd give him a call. I'd be watching SportsCenter, I'd give him a call. It's constant water-cooler chatter. That's how we work out here. You have one or two buddies who you bounce things off of and share experiences with.


sports are entertainment first and foremost :francis:


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
The iq thing is definitely a part of it. His court awareness is sometimes downright awful. The variance with his jumper and the complete lack of floater (just disappeared from last year) is a skill thing. Well I guess the floater is a combo cause it’s like he doesn’t even know when to use it
Outside of Sengun, FVV, and Amen Thompson the entire team has some bad court awareness and the low ball iq. Combine that with the youth and experience and it’s why our record is what it is. It’s highly apparent when sengun or FVF isn’t in the game.