I've got no reason to be salty, it was the same thing while he was here. Pacers are winning games, of which I've watched all of them and most of last season.
He assist hunts and doesn't involve himself in the play otherwise. He'll stand in the corner waiting for the ball back if someone doesn't immediately make the basket off of his pass.
His goal when he got traded was to put up 10 assists a game. When I watch him - which has been every game - I see him make some bonehead plays for the sake of an assist. So he is selfish in a way of stat hunting. Rondo used to get the same criticism, Westbrook too, shamelessly hunting for the assist instead of letting the offense flow.
There were about 3 or 4 instances last night where he had an open lane and passed the ball to a teammate fully covered with help, in favor of a basket that didn't translate. And that's not even concerning the turnovers from stat hunting.
If you judge by the box score he looks amazing, when you see him play you'll understand what I mean.

Stop accusing everyone of box score watching to further your own argument. When I see him play, I see someone that is actively getting people involved and making sure everyone eats. Trying to compare him to Westbrook is disingenuous of you considering Westbrook almost doubled the amount of shots he took compared to all of his teammates.
Rese playing within the offense while still looking for his own offense. Does he try to force a pass sometimes? Yeah, but dude barely 22 and being asked to be the primary ball handler while also being a main scorer

Let the youngin breathe, be happy Sacramento is actually playing meaningful basketball for the first time in 19 years~
You acting like he is ball-stopping and dribbling the air out of the ball