Might need Russ to come off the bench brehs. 

You never win a Sabo trade if you're the one getting Sabo
I think I’ve seen this Lebron movie before. Massive trade at the deadline coming up.
Sacramento is close…
Shots fired.No disrepsect OP.Ayo Chicago or any mod that keeps messing with threads in here if you have an issue with some of things I said about the "NBA 100" future be a man and confront me about it.Stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands.Passive Aggresive shyt has been going on for months since the NBA Finals . Been on board for 10 years providing NBA Analysis and now cats have an issue with it .Acting like threads aint apppropriate. I see alot of duplicate worst threads in Coliseum and now cats getting sensitive over NBA 75-future 100 lists.If you gonna do something at least have a reason ,popularity contests around here I see how yall roll.