Random NBA Observations 2017 - 2018


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
According to most advance stats hes still a top 5 PG even with his scoring down...which i dont understand cuz the eye test tells me hes fallen off and DeRozan has taken over as the teams No1 player,yet in most metrics it still shows hes the best player and among the top guards in terms of efficiency and value...

I get it to a certain extent, he does make a ton of subtle winning plays but he does look like he's fallen off and certainly doesn't look like the team's best player anymore. I still think he's a better playmaker than Derozan (who's growing in that aspect) so that could be part of it.

I was recently looking at on/off numbers and for the first time Derozan has a better on/off rating then him.

There are plenty of nights, like tonight in the 3rd quarter where he looks like shyt and then Delon comes in and the Raptors go on a run.