True that. He could decline his player option and next thing you know the dumb ass Knicks will offer him 15m a year or some shyt and SA won't even budge with that kind of offer

True that. He could decline his player option and next thing you know the dumb ass Knicks will offer him 15m a year or some shyt and SA won't even budge with that kind of offer
i mean...we couldve gave evan turner 70 million to not even average 10 points
i mean...we couldve gave evan turner 70 million to not even average 10 points
oh waitisnt that what the blaz-
nikka you are in the same place as the knicksevan turnup has won us games. Now how many has
lost you
He was a good man
He meant Plumlee I believe. Blake killed him.What happened?
Charlotte big man situation is kinda weak