Gerald green is a horrendous comparison for lavine. Lavine is already better than green has ever been. Better jumper, better handles, clutch as hell, and on par athletically. Just overall much more advanced skillset at the same age and even now if you compare the two. At absolute worst, he is a much more athletic jamal crawford. At his best, his game is a mix of kobe and a mini-tmac especially with his tough shot making ability. The better-shooting westbrook comparison was legit when he was first coming in, but he doesn't have that brutal/aggressive mindset. I honestly think he should be option number 2 behing KAT offensively. Wiggins has abslutely zero shot creating ability unless it's in the post. He's very rigid/mechanical athletically, has average or below average handles, cannot create for others, and his stats other than points are very pedestrian for a 6'8-9" SF. Lavine is the best individual shot creator/maker on the team, and at least can sometimes create for others. If he had the same green light to create/shoot/score as wiggins has had, he would put up 20+ easy and likely more efficiently with greater variety of shots. The only thing I don't like is that for as athletic as he is, he doesn't attack the rim as much as he's capable of, especially consider he has one of the higher % rates for guard finishing at the cup. He has pretty much everything you look for out of a potential superstar SG.
See above.
Lavine was played out of position and yo-yo'ed back and forth between PG/SG and could never really settle into what his role was the first year and a half. You will see a significant jump now that he's playing exclusively at SG.