JVG just low key fired clip at the wolves 

Yep. piss poor effort has well. You know how many chase down/ weak side blocks this man should have? Pathetic. Too much talent to waste it dragging his legs and fake running smfh
I feel the same way. Physically andrew is more blessed but you cant teach that dog that Josh has. Id bet on Josh over wiggins. I love wiggins but I cant deal with players who dont come to competeMaybe it's because I get to watch Josh now but I enjoy watching him play more than Wiggins because he at least competes.
Cant give up on a talent like him this fast. As frustrating as he is. Dude is vastly talented.I trade Wiggins before people find out he doesn't even like basketballvalue high as a motherfukker right now too
Still can't believe NO didn't take Murray. He's better AND 3 years younger.
I can't believe the Warriors offense is better this season. Just insane.