How would Ingram? I think they shop it, but that's a luxury pick if they keep it.
3 first rounders, 5 2nd rounders (2 of them being in the first 5 of round 2)
I think they cash in and try to land a star (unlike @AAKing23 I don't see them going the route of Okafor because Philly has a war chest of picks already (Noel is a different story-- and he's a Boston local)
Ingram would fit in fine, they'd probably bring him off the bench next year and put some mass on him hoping to use him and Crowder as the 3 and 4 in a small ball lineup in the future. The issue with Hield is that they have Smart, Bradley, Hunter, Thomas, Young and Rozier, that's a ton of guards while they have just two SFs (Crowder/Turner).
Noel makes more sense for them than Okafor.