even though the bulls are R.I.P there are still alot of good races for playoff positioning in the east and west.
I think the hawks will be the 3 seed, unless they lose tonight to the cavs they will be ok.
Boston and miami game on Wed will be for the 4 seed. Should boston lose to both charlotte and miami, they go to 6th.
I think indiana stays at 7 and detroit at 8
in the west, portland will be 5, and memphis 6th.
what's interesting is dallas, utah and houston.
I think houston wins out to finish 41-41.
Dallas will probably lose to Utah, and face the spurs B on Wed. Let's assume they go 1-1 and finish 42-40
assuming utah wins out they're 42-40, but let's say spurs beat dallas and, the lakers beat utah in kobe's last game and they're all 41-41. Who get's the breaker
Houston has the advantage over both Utah and Dallas.