Here's two things that are disturbingly apparent;
There is no pressure on the other owners and real power players, in the NBA. I'm listening to several ppl and it's like; because the Clippers played, this will delay Sterling's punishment--it's the players fault. WE LOVE AVOIDING putting power in charge on trial.
It's up to Chris Paul, Blake Griffin & Doc Rivers to fix the racism in the NBA???
It comes off as fake, when ppl are sayin'; "There's bigger things than should've sat out."
Oh, so, now that racism and evil is at your doorsteps, it's impossible to avoid. But, throughout the year, there's plenty of injustice goin' on, but, it's okay to play through that?
And of course it's only ppl who don't really have to make a decisions, playing the hypothetical; "Well, I couldn't have played." Great, your inconsequential, hypothetical opinion is appreciated.
They say we live in a popcorn era--this is a great example.
Jeff Van Gundy said Doc invoked Jessie Owens at the Germany Olympics. It's like;
These are cowards, "c**ns";
But, what about this?
My point isn't to compare Chris Paul & DeAndre Jordan to Tommie Smith &
John Carlos. It's to show how quick we are to lose touch with reality and are quick to judge the actions of others and, also, we're so scared to speak truth to power--the same way we dart past the record execs and distributors makin' billions and rail on rappers and singers.