What the f*ck was he doin' seriously
I seriously want to see which CP3(cliff or chris) will show up for the playoffs.
Even when they were winning I complained about him. I thought he could morph into a Mike Bibby type and just become lethal with the mid range j. Play off the ball more, but he's still the dribbling ball hog he always was. And some of his decisions are just

why does he keep taking 3s? Why would he keep encouraging Crawford to jack up shots.?
I can't even be mad that Blake missed that ft, he was basically a spectator to the Jamal Crawford show tonight

He put the clamps on Unibrow. His man D was the best I ever seen tonight. He actually blocked Davis' shot. Cleanly
Those missed fts do hurt doe
And that stat about the Clips record while trailing on the road in the 2nd half or some sh1t is very troubling