Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...

Feb 12, 2015
I don’t know why I do so many lol

But you’re probably right about the workout routine. I guess I do the same shyt because I don’t know that many ways to exercise :manny:
You're falling into the same trap that most fall into includimg myself. You probably came from an athletic background and as a result cause you have "strength" in certain movements you are under the illusion that you know how to "train".

There is a big difference between being able to "lift weights" being scatter gun choosing exercises cause you feel like it and "training" with a structured program. Once you begin to umderstand this, the issues will reduce

The Villain

Jun 12, 2014
Brehs do you go on long rest periods? I’m in the gym 3-4 days out of the week. Obviously I try to spread out the sessions by going out to the gym one day then resting the next before I go back, but my body has been feeling like it needs longer rest days than usual.

I’m going to go to the gym today even though I still feel somewhat sore/heavy in certain areas of my body. I haven’t been there since Thursday so I should be good. But I can’t stop thinking about this tweet I read from former WWF/WWE wrestler Taz and basically he was advising everyone to give their body the proper rest it needs to omit any long-term issues. Taz reflected all the times he went hard af in the gym when he was tired/sore and now he can barely move his body.

How do you guys approach rest? It’s essential to building muscle anyway.

I got tired at looking at answers on Reddit and other gym sites where the typical answer was 2-3 days rest.
No I train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday pretty much religiously
If I'm tired I just scale one of those days back maybe 10% weight load.

If I'm super tired, I'll scale a whole week back. But if you scale and pace your training properly day-to-day week-to-week, you should never really get all that tired. Some of that comes w/ experience.

Like for example I notice a drastic difference in my deadlift if I Squat Monday and Deadlift Wednesday. compared to Squat Monday and Deadlift Thursday. Like maybe 15-20% performance because my legs/back need that extra day to be back up to peak output.