Any of you cats ever try a Full Body Routine?
Ive been watching some Brandon Carter videos…and he is a big proponent of them.
Never considered it, and then I thought about a coworker I had that did Full Body Workouts as well…dude was strong and had a really good build.
I've adopted a full-body-style routine that I kinda organized myself from reading other more advanced people's workout regimens. I did it because I wanted to preserve as much strength on a cut.
My routine is this: bb OHP, weighted chins, weighted dips, deads, front squats, and bench press as well as accessorized ab work. Some days I don't front squat, some days I just do the weighted dips rather than bench.
Also virtually every exercise I use dropsets
It's awesome because you only workout 2-3 times a week and you're putting in more work in a shorter time.
Really curious to see how it would treat me if I bulked on a full body because I bulked on a bro split and I kind of regret it in retrospect.
Definitely go for it though