Almost passed out a minute ago, my chakra levels dropped off a cliff like

. Some mass gainer and two bagels later and I'm back.

Prolly shoulda ate dinner last night.
Will prolly head back to the gym again after the Bravens game.

Front squat, OHP, Pendlay Row and a run planned.
Sixth squat session this morning. Today's gains are brought to you by Total War. #POWDA
- Worked up to a 100% single (430) low-bar, then light back-off doubles
- Benched 95% for a paused single, then back-off triples
- Sumo deadlifted 92% and worked back down to 4 plates (singles)
Lower back is fried from deadlifting yester and squatting and pulling today.
@Booksnrain please check my work. Only
7 more weeks of the Bulgarian Method left before I head OT and go back to 5x5.