Man do you guys like working out before or after work?
Get a good pump in before work to establish dominance
After work is stress reliever
I've developed the ability to train at any time of the day.
I usually go in the mornings and will either train again in the afternoon or take my ass to sleep, depending on my current chakra levels.
When I wake up and go early in the morning (3-4 am), and go in to work by 7am, it makes the day go by faster: I'm still zooted on pre when I get to the office, them endorphins still hitting halfway to lunchtime, and if I end up having to stay late it's cool cause I already worked out. Also nice to have it out of the way in case of inclement weather/major accidents/active shooter shyt that stops up traffic. Test levels are highest in the AM, and since most people aren't willing to wake up that early, the gym is not as crowded as it is in the afternoon. The only downside to waking up so early is it usually gases me out sooner so I'm sleeping on weak days earlier than I otherwise would.
Mid-morning workouts are GOAT. Enough time to eat beforehand but not enough time after waking up that the day starts to wear on you mentally. Some of the best workouts ever were had at 9-10am. Gyms are mostly empty since most people are working, but the senior citizen crowd takes up space at one of my gyms for a group WOD around this time. Can only do these currently if I'm not working that day. No major downside to this, unless I have something to do that morning or early afternoon.
Afternoons are cool because I've had more food and water in my system and I'm more limber and focused, but sometimes the neural fatigue of working can creep up into the workout. Even though you test levels are highest in the morning, I'm almost always more aggy in the afternoons so that has the benefit of me being able to better mack on bishes at the gym. Afternoons kinda suck because the gyms are more crowded. It's nice to see my peoples in there, but it also means more fukkbois and weaklings taking up space are present. Mondays are the worst, Thursday/Fridays are the best for this.
Late nights are my least favorite. Them 9, 10pm workouts hit different, but unless I've slept in the afternoon I'm more tired than an early morning workout and not as focused as I am in the afternoons.