Enjoyed my time with this over the free weekend. Obviously I didn't experience a lot because it looks like there's tons of content, there were like dozens of different operators. I only played casual as well.
Few things: It seems like no matter the objective, matches end up being death matches right?
The community seems kind of bad, a dude asked if anybody had a mic and before I plugged mines in they started to vote to have him kicked
Why is there so much team killing/friendly fire? It's weird that friendly fire is on by default.
I'd definitely buy this for $20. Surprised it isn't available at price considering Ubisoft titles drop in price pretty quick and it's been over 2 years since the release.
Yea the community is one of the most toxic ever and very unfriendly to new comers. The meta of this game is deep in a variety of ways and you will be awful for months in terms of understanding map layout, tech, etc. Find a group of friendly players who will be patient with your because playing this game with randoms, especially on casual, is suicide