She even has the black little girls with a head full of fake hair for her wedding.
Go from this :
To this
She even has the black little girls with a head full of fake hair for her wedding.
Go from this :
To this
Ok but we're running around calling her a bedwench. Hypocritical, no?
@WHIPPEDCream literally never posts in anything but bedwench threads. What a troll.
what would you consider a bw whom breds with her oppressor
A Black woman. I don't use the term bedwench and while I'm far from a fan of interracial dating, I also am not going to use such a nasty term so casually the way some you guys do.
I literally posts in all types of threads on the coli & then posers like you show up in the threads that everyone posts in & then try to call me out.
A Black woman. I don't use the term bedwench and while I'm far from a fan of interracial dating, I also am not going to use such a nasty term so casually the way some you guys do.
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | UAE sheikh to face assault trialI've heard of blonde white men being the victims of sexual harassment in Arab countries. Those people are very weird.
Spoken like a true wannabe bed wench. A person who assume to be a black man making a comment on the internet that you don't like is equaivalent to white men spending over half a century oppressing your people, taking your entire home continent, and disenfranchising everyone who looks like all over the globe.Some of these black men are just as racist as white men.
No, i see virtually every woman poster post in different threads but you, the mermaid avatar poster and tan. You're evidently some sort of IR troll. If this forum were just about hip hop and sports, you wouldn't even be here.
You expect us as black men to feel sorry for or show empathy to white men? Kill yourself you a goofy ass female. You need to only fukk with white boys if you feel sorry for themSome of these black men are just as racist as white men.
but coli Muslims said a-rabs were our friendsi sort of felt for her but that all dissipated when i saw whom's arms this bedwench was grieving into