If even one of the people who can't wait to jump in threads like this talking about how little sympathy they have reads this post and reflects then this thread will have done some good. At this point it seems like too little of us give a fukk, and many that claim to are going about it the wrong way. Pro-Blackness is trivialized something awful on here.
There's already pretty much mass extermination and marginalization going on without the need for mass lynchings or whatever posters are talking about in here...but what people don't fully grasp is they're just as much of a target as the kids they're condemning off GP...white supremacy ain't differentiating. You would think that would make us mind the real enemy, understand their tactics and not play respectability games, but humanity is disposable nowadays even amongst our own community. We've co-opted the captor's pathology under the guise of "dropping knowledge" or "maturation". It's borderline depressing how little we know or care about each other.
I saw someone mention how these kids have no grasp of humanity...that's true, but that doesn't mean us who do have the right to condemn their existence.