R.I.P. Argentina


Nov 18, 2016
This is a retarded opinion that many dumb people on those board share for some dumb reason

The Left has gone too far

Asking for Healthcare for all is "too far"
Asking for public education to be fully funded "TOO GOD DAMN FAR"
Asking to hold corporations incheck and stop them from price gouging people " TOO fukkING FAR"
Demanding fair cost of housing, "THATS WAYYYY TO FAR AND NOW I WANT HITLER IN CHARGE"


Zionist cocksucker
No it means all the busy boy fakkittry you guys engage in and try to push. Disingenuous fakkit. You fakkits are even trying to normalize paedophilia

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The 'Left' has gone so far that the 'Right' seems reasonable these days in comparison to many people.


Historically, this is nonsense. The world isn't the USA, and this trend started way before anything you're thinking about.

USA started moving towards the extreme right with the Tea Party in 2010, and accelerated in 2016. That's despite Obama having pretty much the most conservative start to his presidency possible (went explicitly pro-corporate to bail out the banks with zero repercussions for them, used entirely conservative ideas for Obamacare, came out against gay marriage, did nothing whatsoever on race issues, etc.). Obama was more conservative than pretty much every president between 1932 and 1980, Democrat OR Republican. So how can you claim "going too far" is what triggered people to go right?

That sociopath Duterte became president in 2016. What "too far left" thing was going on in the Philippines?

Fascist Modi became Prime Minister in 2014. How had India gone "too far" left? You're talking a place where it isn't even legal to be gay.

Conservatives won power in UK in 2015, and did Brexit in 2016.

Netanyahu took power in 2009.

Bolsonaro became president in 2018 despite the previous leftist president being super popular.

Bukele became president in 2019.

Claiming that right-wingers win because the left has gone "too far" is a complete myth. The reasons the right are surging are pretty obvious, and they've happened before.

1. The "Great Recession" brought a loss of jobs and popular discontent, especially among the working and lower middle class. Right-wing populism has always surged in periods of economic distress (see the waves of fascism that swept across Europe during the Great Depression).

2. When racists get discontent, they blame minorities. Right wingers stoked the economic discontent to blame immigrants for completing with jobs. "Don't blame the corporation that won't pay you, that laid you off, that took its factory abroad. Blame...THAT GUY OVER THERE!"

3. The post-911 mentality of fearing Arabs and Africans allowed identity nationalists to double down on the economic discontent and claim security issues as well as islamophobia skyrocketed.

4. Social media severely increased the pace at which hate-based messages spread, and Ethnic Nationalists found that simple hate messages, even when they're outright false, traveled far more efficiently and became viral more easily than nuanced pushback does.

5. When Covid hit, populist fascists tried as much as possible to blame all hardships on government, even in places where conservative governments were in power. Lost your job? Blame immigrants and liberals. Supply chain issues? Blame immigrants and liberals. War in Ukraine is killing gas and food prices? Blame immigrants and liberals. Corporations and price-fixing? Blame immigrants and liberals.

I hate the trend, but the causes seem damn obvious. Great Recession was 2007-2009, social media started taking off almost the exact same time. And 2010 was when right-wingers started winning elections.
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Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Historically, this is total nonsense. The world isn't the USA, and this trend started way before anything you're thinking about.

USA started moving towards the extreme right with the Tea Party in 2010, and accelerated in 2016. That's despite Obama having pretty much the most conservative start to his presidency possible (went totally pro-corporate to bail out the banks with zero repercussions for them, used entirely conservative ideas for Obamacare, came out against gay marriage, did nothing whatsoever on race issues, etc.). Obama was more conservative than pretty much every president between 1932 and 1980, Democrat OR Republican. So how can you claim "going to far" is what triggered people to go right?

That sociopath Duterte became president in 2016. What "too far left" thing was going on in the Philippines?

Fascist Modi became Prime Minister in 2014. How had India gone "too far" left? You're talking a place where it isn't even legal to be gay.

Conservatives won power in UK in 2015, and did Brexit in 2016.

Netanyahu took power in 2009.

Bolsonaro became president in 2018 despite the previous leftist president being super popular.

Bukele became president in 2019.

Claiming that right-wingers win because the left has gone "too far" is a complete myth. The reasons the right are surging are pretty obvious, and they're happened before.

1. The "Great Recession" brought a loss of jobs and popular discontent, especially among the working and lower middle class. Right-wing populism has always surged in periods of economic distress (see the waves of fascism that swept across Europe during the Great Depression).

2. When racists get discontent, they blame racism. Right wingers stoked the economic discontent to blame immigrants for completing with jobs. "Don't blame the corporation that won't pay you, that laid you off, that took its factory abroad. Blame...THAT GUY OVER THERE!"

3. The post-911 mentality of fearing Arabs and Africans allowed identity nationalists to double down on the economic discontent and claim security issues as well as islamophobia skyrocketed.

4. Social media severely increased the pace at which hate-based messages spread, and Ethnic Nationalists and found that simple hate messages, even when they're outright false, traveled far more efficiently and became viral more easily than nuanced pushback does.

5. When Covid hit, populist fascists tried as much as possible to blame all hardships on government, even in places where conservative governments were in power. Lost your job? Blame immigrants and liberals. Supply chain issues? Blame immigrants and liberals. War in Ukraine is killing gas and food prices? Blame immigrants and liberals. Corporations and price-fixing? Blame immigrants and liberals.

I hate the trend, but the causes seem damn obvious. Great Recession was 2007-2009, social media started taking off almost the exact same time. And 2010 was when right-wingers started winning elections.
Good assessment. When do you think things will get back to some semblance or normalcy and this trend to the far right will fade?


May 24, 2022
Good assessment. When do you think things will get back to some semblance or normalcy and this trend to the far right will fade?

Without some sort of war, there won't ever be a return to normalcy.

It will be right wingers winning elections, or losing elections and stopping government from moving forward.

They win or they stalemate.

The Right, (state sponsored/institution sponsored hatred, selfishness, greed) won't ever lose to appeals to moderation and thoughtfulness.

It's over.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
No it means all the busy boy fakkittry you guys engage in and try to push. Disingenuous fakkit. You fakkits are even trying to normalize paedophilia
Nah, that's the Christian/Muslim religious nuts who are molesting little boys and marrying little girls. Also redpill rightwingers like the late @Swagnificent who advocate sex with preteens on some, "supreme laws of nature" shyt.

I don't particularly like the forced mainstreaming of trans issues, but If some trannies make you go full fash, you fragile as fukk breh.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Good assessment. When do you think things will get back to some semblance or normalcy and this trend to the far right will fade?

I don't know. We've never had social media before. If you had asked me 8-9 years ago, I would have said, "At some point things will get so bad that people will realize what's up and rebel against it." And by "it", I mean everything - the corporate capitalist system full on, not just extreme right-wingism. I didn't know exactly when it would happen, but I figured as we got closer and closer to the obvious brink, at some point we'd wake up. That's why I believed in 2013-2014. But social media has become so dominant over people's reality, that I can't assume anything anymore.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
Good assessment. When do you think things will get back to some semblance or normalcy and this trend to the far right will fade?
Millenials need to be the change they want to see…. Far too many people on the left want shyt perfect and ain’t even willing to do dirt to make shyt good, let alone better.

There are signs though from occupy Wall Street to the George Floyd protest people know who they should be angry at, they are just p*ssy.