Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Dec 30, 2014
A month after i forget about Hinge I get a notification about a match

been swiped on her



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
My thing is... I'm an individual who has his own sense of style and a penchant for displaying his personality via his looks/apparel.

Very seldom do I bend and I'm a massive purveyor of said philosophies.

Recently met a woman on a cruise (early 40's... I'm 39, no biggie) back in February.

Really cool broad, good head on her shoulders, hardworking and worldly (sex is good).

But that's where it stops. I can see why she's never been wifed up and she prefers to wear the pants in the relationship and can be bossy/demanding.

When I went to San Fran to visit her, she took control of the driver's seat (literally, that's fine, cuz it's car... but proverbially as well).

A fella started getting turned off when she told me where to stand for photos and how to do this/that. I tolerated it because it wasn't that bad and we're several stays away from one another.

Seriously spiels... I was already only lukewarm about her... she's fine as a friend but she started calling me her boyfriend and said she wants exclusivity and when I made zero hints at even wanting a relationship (I even said in the car on the way to the airport that I don't want a long distance relationship and those don't bode well for me... did she even fukkin' hear me?).

She's a recent content creator and does travel YouTube videos and started with the cruise (it was her first cruise... and used that trip as her initial upload as well).

The buck stopped when she said that I had to wear matching shoes when I'm with her or she'll have to crop out my feet (giggled while saying it, a la one of those "not serious but serious" tonality to it).

If you ain't feeling the way I put my shiit together... it's time for this Jesus hugging woman to kick rocks (oh, and I thought it was weird that she only wore closed toed heels since we met and wore socks the whole weekend we were in the hotel).

Good luck to her and I wish her the best... but aside from being a single mom with only a few redeeming qualities... not enough for me to want to invest any more time in.

Even as a friend (although that's all we were, but she's the one who put a category on us). I get it, she's never met anyone like me and never will... but I guess I'll just have to ease back with the texts and calls and hope she gets it cuz I'm no good at breaking hearts (contrary to how often I do it... which appears to be multiple times a year. lol).

Some women just want to believe what they want to believe. Grandeur illusions.


Never change who you are for anything and you should never have to be on edge to impress a chick.