shyt I’m married going on 12 years and I know for a fact I ain’t doing that shyt again that process of courting and trust and learning all that shyt again and knowing also that shyt be a front just to get the ring na I’m good
I can’t stand my wife shyt sometimes and sometimes I’m like I love this woman and marriage
The ups and downs the hurricane seasons and the calm seasons
NOPE IM DONE we either gonna stay together or I’ll stay single or at best have a relationship no marriage
More than anything peace of mind is what is important too me
I do feel people give up to easy in relationships nowadays cuz shyt is bad at the moment or a argument
Talk that shyt out and give each other space don’t go straight to

Not saying there ain’t situations where u shouldn’t get rid of someone because there are of course
But recently I seen people break up over some of the dumbest shyt possible then regret it
Especially thinking green on other side realizing the flaws their ex had wasn’t shyt compared to the field or not putting them in place and letting things simmer down then revisiting it
You have to know when to pull the trigger and when not too
At least give it time to blow over don’t ever make decisions on emotions
Not referring too you breh bout all that staying shyt just in general I’m saying cuz been a trend lately and damn females and guys whinning bout that shyt I’m like stfu and calm down and take ur time and compose before making rash ass decisions