A shyt test is basically a flippant remark that tests your frame...aka your stoic/resplendent demeanor, women do this out of catty behavior amongst themselves, or in general to "test" answers of their mates to see if they give the "right" one. Do keep in mind that shyt tests are unisex, men are more obvious with theirs, but its the same thing, male or female.
These examples might sound familiar;
"I bet you're a player"
"I only date x kind of guy"
"You're not my type"
"You say that to all the girls"
"I don't believe you, prove it to me"
Those are relegated to women, as men will try to break your frame by making fun of you, or probing/looking for holes in a story you tell. For either however, I like to be aloof. No clear response, just self amusing attitudes and behavior from me. I'm not there to entertain anyone but myself....and therefore I'll answer what I feel like responding to. For women, my go-to is always; "Be different, ask a question that'd surprise us both", for men; "ignorance is bliss bro, the less we know about each other, the better".
I'm either deemed an a$$hole or the "cool" guy (same difference really) mainly because I'm not trying to impress anyone, and I'm not thirsty. I make fun of everyone, and or give great advice, you can only hate that but so long till you wanna join the crew.