What you initially agree and establish with a woman during the initial non committed /non attached "honeymoon" phase with a woman is irrelevant. That's why talking to her about what SHE wants is a square move. It shows a lack of understanding of their nature
If she's enjoying the dikk and is focused on career and other potential dikks she'll immediately agree to just fukk, nothing else. No commitment will mean she don't have to qualify herself and can cash in on any higher potential dikk that chooses in her whilst she's still dealing with you.
As she gets attached to you, gets accustomed to your aura/ masculinity/demeanor etc and realizes that she doesn't have the "options" she thought she had or when other high value guys fukk and bush her, she will inveriably go back on EVERYTHING you agreed upon at the start AND will be too egotistical to SUBMIT to you and let you know she's grown attached coz you're such an alpha male.
instead she'll cause fights by passive aggressive jabs, nuanced ways to attack your ego and sense of self worth/manhood(trying to make you jealous, questioning your sexual prowess, doing things she knows you don't like etc) till you get mad/lose your cool.
She will then go straight to victim mode, she will tell you about how she "can't do this anymore" (vague and ambiguous, no clear submissiveness), how she needs space etc
the next time you call or contact she will ask to do something outside of the "fukk buddy routine" that had been established for a good 3-4 months, she might invite you over her crib and cook for you, or tell you to come sleep over at her or your place (all to get you commited), once she gets you on board the "new" way of relating to her, she'll show outward jealousy and territorial markings (leaving clothes and feminine items at your place, being angry at you for not calling her back etc) .. Hell that's how most guys eventually "found their wives", they simply crumble under the pressure and upgrade a bytch who ain't worthy.
Don't waste time having a conversation, just do you, when nagging and demands outweigh her p*ssy, bush her.