this is the guy whose going to mentor me
im reading this guys book just got it today
im reading this guys book just got it today

man my church had this mens breakfest this morning, this motivational speaker was there some dude who makes like 25,000 a hour but my bro in law knows him so he was tehre for free. Dude wants to mentor me
I taped it and will post the video when it gets put up but some points
"I wake up on the premise that I'm running late"
Purpose is what you are created for, vision is the level you take it to
Desire gets you nowhere has to be backed by action
I'm consumed by my purpose
@Emperor_ReinScarf @kevm3
maann ...i wish this guy would just post in this thread his GEMS is on a whole other level![]()
its only a matter of time till she gets with someone she really likes who wont tolerate all that guy-friends bs and she'll throw u in the bushes (as she should). then u'll find urself hurt, especially if u happen to be single when it happens. be careful. what i said remains, make sure ur not all that attracted to your female friends.
Most females will ignore you once they get a man, so just come to expect it.
While I'm here, things are going well with the two I've been dealing with but neither of them is really girlfriend material, I've come to accept it. I'm a lot better at finding this out early on than I was in the past.
So with that, I met a girl the other night while I was out. I had seen her around before and I thought she was sexy but this time she engaged in some small talk and it led to a pretty lengthy conversation. It helped that we both went to UConn so we had that common thing, she's a senior but lives off campus. I love her style and she's real intelligent, well spoken. I've made the mistake before, my last girl who had cheated on me had a lot of these same qualities so I realize any female can be shady as fukk but still, I was feeling her.
I think I fukked up tho. I had to get going and I had mentioned this place I'd be at next week and she was like "I'm gonna be there I'm looking for u!" and I was just like "haha alright" and I left but it didn't even cross my mind to take it further or exchange contact info.![]()
i'm not religious like that but i feel you breh.I had like an awakening. If your not spiritual/religious you may laugh or whatever but for years and years I applied for jobs, sometimes I got interviews but it never went further, I resigned myself to shrugs maybe this is it. This is the best I can do. My current gig isn't bad but the travel time is ridiculous, the pay isn't bad but I know I'm worth more and it wasn't until early this year I started changing my life around, started to tithe started to pray about getting a new job. knowing my value.
And I was just thinking how if my brother in law didn't lose his job and was unemployed for almost a year then finally found a job but it was a hour and a half drive each way. He loved the job but the travel was horrible especially with 3 young children so he applied and got the job at the hospital running the finance department. Everyone in that department has been there for 10 plus years zero openings until one happened when someone left and that led me to getting it.
It was like this was for me, it's literally just a 15 minute drive. There is a gym onsite that will also save me money from signing up at a gym, my boss is family and he will put me in every position to succeed.
And then the other day I was just talking to my brother in law because he was at the wedding I photographed and he jokingly asked me when is it your turn. And I said never and then yesterday he met up with me just to give me some tips on the job but he also talked to me about marriage. He told me after his failed engagement he just prayed to God for what he wanted in a wife and just lived his life and awhile later he met my sister and she was everything he asked for and more. He stopped pursuing and looking and just left it up to God to take the wheel.
So that's the stance I'm taking, I'm not wasting my time on seasonal transient chicks I already know it won't last. I'm just going to live my life and pray what I want in a woman and if it's meant to be God will provide just like he provided me this job and if not then shrugs. I've done it all brehs, cavorting and canoodling with dimes, I've been engaged, been cheated on, stds and hiv scares, abortions, miscarriage. I don't need a woman to complete my journey in my life, I just decided to allow God to take over the wheel now.
That's what I mean by the next woman I'm committed to will be my wife.
Like I said if your not religious or a christian etc. you'll laugh and think its funny or whatever but if you lived my life you would understand.
Stop intellectualizing and rationalizing and start doing. It's that simple. Something I see a lot of is guys talking about how women aren't doing this and that and how they're acting like this and that. The reality of the matter is because you are allowing them to act like that.
We really got to stop trying to convince and intellectualize with these women and tell them straight up what we want and tell them to walk if they're not down with it. Not down with the new-age, feminist type of woman who ain't holding her man down? Let her know straight up.
I noticed a lot of women talking about they're down to do the traditional things when I let them know what kind of dude I am.
Something you need to know with women and life in general is that there are things intellectualization and rationalization applies to and things that it doesn't. When you start overthinking simple stuff, you really end up messing things up. Overthinking with women is going to get you tore up and it's going to make you weak because you're going to look for the rational in the irrational.
What you have to do is keep it super simple and set STRONG boundaries that you don't back off from and communicate your mission directly and powerfully. Either she's with it or she ain't, and if she's not, she can keep it pushing. Enjoy your interactions with women, but never take them too seriously. The woman you take seriously is the one that is serious about you FIRST. She has to show an eagerness to want to see you win and to show a willingness to comply with your directives as a man.
A lot of dudes nowadays are simply scared of being men and laying some laws down because they'll get shamed by society or some such nonsense.