I've been lurking for a minute, but the thread was too legendary to not drop something. Many men need to read this thread; black, white, asian, latino, whatever. It has some of the realist advice I've ever read.
Experience: former "nice guy", turned a$$hole, turned nice guy, turned wised-up.
Now let me tell you something. You'll hear a lot of people telling you how to attract women, but trust me, no matter how much game you have, how presentable you are, how much money, how much of a douche you are, the woman will need constant checking, or the disrespect will creep in.
You can't ever be fully trusting of them, sadly. And I say this from a long, long line of relationships. Even the "cool" ones won't like it if you lower yourself to their level. What's their level?--treating them as an equal human being you respect and have no intention to bully.
Every single woman, brahs -- there are no exceptions -- need to be bullied in some way and to differing degrees, whether it be being told what to do, what to think, or what to say.
When you break it down, the more look at a man and a woman as of equal worth, the worse it'll get for you. I didn't want it to be that way, but it's gotten to the point where if you don't adopt a superiority complex with them, they'll deem you inferior and/or insecure, all whilst whining and getting wet about you thinking you're so full of yourself (they love that ****). It's the truth, bro.
Lemme tell you about my days nice dude. No, wait, let me not: they sucked. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Loss of appetite. Wondering what I did wrong. Wondering why they cheated and went cold, when it was them.
And the worst thing? No accountability. None. Even concerning the smallest of the smallest error, a woman will hardly concede out of fairness or honour, but only when you and few others have her backed into a corner with undeniable proof. And even then, they'll try and twist it into being someone else's doing.
Now when I was jerk, I can tell you that it got to the point where I was smashing multiple broads a day. All types of women. All vying for my attention, simply because I didn't care what they had to say and saw them as holes. I didn't have to pretend that I was an a$$hole -- I tried that and it wasn't enough -- I had to actually almost hate them. And guess what? The ***** came flooding in like freshwater fish.
Fast-forward to all that negative energy wearing a guy, who didn't like being bad, down. Now I wanted to regain respect for myself and fix my **** up. As I'm exiting my bad stage, I meet this woman -- straight 9/10 body and face aesthetics and probably the funniest, seemingly intelligent, most attractive woman I'd seen at the time.
I'd known her for a year when she had a man, and I had my string of sluts. Nothing happened. I had no attraction. No ***** were given, we talked and joked, that's it. She disappears.
A year later, she comes back up. Single. I'm reborn as a good guy again and I'm single. She gives me this: "I had to cut ties with you, because I was falling for you". And I'm like
. Not copping a word of that, but the woman keeps persisting she wanted me all along.
Night after night we talk about all types of things (woman could hold a decent conversation, is introverted and quiet, likes nerdy things, didn't club, and was hilarious, be warn!), and on one occassion she breaks down crying that I don't feel the same way. I'm STILL
due to already done being a nice guy and a bad boy and knowing these here red flags.
But she stuck around, even though I said it was too soon for love and crap, saying she loves my ambition, mind, and occupation. Said she wanted to marry me, that the thought of any other man touching her felt wrong, all that ****.
Then it happan. I start feeling for this woman, thinking "Maybe. She's smart, if a little emotional, and seems to have her head straight when it comes to family values". I begin to reciprocrate some of her affection.
And brahs, I tell you that within two months of goodness, she started playing games. All the sweetness, the emailing me every single day, the calling me almost every morning to see how I was and if i was free to talk after work, hot and cold.
Knowing women well, I ask her what's up once and one time only. She says "I'm on my period and my cat just died". The former was a lie, the latter was truth, both were an excuse. The chick was speaking to another dude and giving him the same ****!
I cut her off. And she comes to me, confessing exactly what I knew, but said she hadn't slept with him. I'm
. Then she tells me she kissed him, but it was nothing.
But I'm a nice guy now, have already caught feelings, and she begged me to forgive her, so I gave her the benefit and told her "You're not seeing this guy again. Talk to him if he's your true friend, but you ain't seeing him". Another month of sweetness follows.
"He's gonna be in town for his b-day. Other people will be there. Can I see him?" I'm like, "See him, and we're done".
"Am I not allowed to have friends anymore?!" all that bull****. And with that, I tell her we're separated.
Brahs, the next evening the woman messages me that she slept with dude. And inside I'm
but react to her with
she goes on further about how good it was to feel loved, etc.
So I left that ***** right then and there. I was crushed, I admit, but left it alone and never showed anger or despair, but disappointment, even though I felt all of the above.
Within two weeks, feeling all torn up, I hit up my old list of hoes. Travelling all across the country, hitting up that *** with no feels given to the broads. I bump into the ex and she asks where I've been. I tell her. Guess what brehs! She wants to see me and hang out!
Telling me in exact words "I think it's great that you're going up and down the country, seeing all these women".
By this time, I still have feels for her, but I plan on talking only, and agree to seeing her. I can tell you dudes right now that my head was so numb, that I didn't see the clear and obvious fact that she wanted to smash. I was so messed up that even if her *** was rubbing on my nose and she was saying "Come on bigboy", I wouldn't've thought she wanted the D. I believed her lies that the meeting was only to talk (big mistake), but it was clear she wanted to keep me from leaving with a taste of that *****.
So we hang out and watch a few things, talk about our issues. I'm overwhelmed with seeing her again, and start kissing her. Keep in mind she's still with the dude she left me for. She's all: "no, no *moaning* it isn't right. Stop." So I stop, apologise.
Later, she starts kissing me! I don't resist. I say to her: "you can tell I still love you, right?" And with the sweetest smile, the biggest innocent eyes, the prettiest face, she nodded.
When it came to going to bed, I say "yeah, sleep on the couch. I'll be in the bedroom. Night" I didn't want to smash the GF of the guy she cheated on me with.
Brahs, ten minutes after the lights go out, ***** is like Freddie Kruger invading my room. "I want to be in here".
A lot happened. Girl was super honry. Open for me on my bed, but I had no jimmies, so I did not smash. I fell asleep with my head on her lap, talking. The girl stayed in the same position all night, stroking my hair.
Next day, we're holding hands. She's feeling depressed and guilty. I comfort her (don't want her in her current state), and tell her to patch things up with the guy she cheated on me with. She says it's ****** and calls herself a slut.
That night, I smash a next broad, brehs. And when the ex finds out, she said she's feels dirty and betrayed.
So here I am, trying to get over the girl who broke my heart, and she feels betrayed, because I'm not simping her. Even though she was just at my MY house, begging to be smashed behind her new boyfriend's back ON HIS BIRTHDAY.
And this was years ago. I still know this broad. And the story gets even funnier, twisted, and worse.
Evil brahs. Never fall for ANYTHING they say.
Experience: former "nice guy", turned a$$hole, turned nice guy, turned wised-up.
Now let me tell you something. You'll hear a lot of people telling you how to attract women, but trust me, no matter how much game you have, how presentable you are, how much money, how much of a douche you are, the woman will need constant checking, or the disrespect will creep in.
You can't ever be fully trusting of them, sadly. And I say this from a long, long line of relationships. Even the "cool" ones won't like it if you lower yourself to their level. What's their level?--treating them as an equal human being you respect and have no intention to bully.
Every single woman, brahs -- there are no exceptions -- need to be bullied in some way and to differing degrees, whether it be being told what to do, what to think, or what to say.
When you break it down, the more look at a man and a woman as of equal worth, the worse it'll get for you. I didn't want it to be that way, but it's gotten to the point where if you don't adopt a superiority complex with them, they'll deem you inferior and/or insecure, all whilst whining and getting wet about you thinking you're so full of yourself (they love that ****). It's the truth, bro.
Lemme tell you about my days nice dude. No, wait, let me not: they sucked. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Loss of appetite. Wondering what I did wrong. Wondering why they cheated and went cold, when it was them.
And the worst thing? No accountability. None. Even concerning the smallest of the smallest error, a woman will hardly concede out of fairness or honour, but only when you and few others have her backed into a corner with undeniable proof. And even then, they'll try and twist it into being someone else's doing.
Now when I was jerk, I can tell you that it got to the point where I was smashing multiple broads a day. All types of women. All vying for my attention, simply because I didn't care what they had to say and saw them as holes. I didn't have to pretend that I was an a$$hole -- I tried that and it wasn't enough -- I had to actually almost hate them. And guess what? The ***** came flooding in like freshwater fish.
Fast-forward to all that negative energy wearing a guy, who didn't like being bad, down. Now I wanted to regain respect for myself and fix my **** up. As I'm exiting my bad stage, I meet this woman -- straight 9/10 body and face aesthetics and probably the funniest, seemingly intelligent, most attractive woman I'd seen at the time.
I'd known her for a year when she had a man, and I had my string of sluts. Nothing happened. I had no attraction. No ***** were given, we talked and joked, that's it. She disappears.
A year later, she comes back up. Single. I'm reborn as a good guy again and I'm single. She gives me this: "I had to cut ties with you, because I was falling for you". And I'm like

Night after night we talk about all types of things (woman could hold a decent conversation, is introverted and quiet, likes nerdy things, didn't club, and was hilarious, be warn!), and on one occassion she breaks down crying that I don't feel the same way. I'm STILL

But she stuck around, even though I said it was too soon for love and crap, saying she loves my ambition, mind, and occupation. Said she wanted to marry me, that the thought of any other man touching her felt wrong, all that ****.
Then it happan. I start feeling for this woman, thinking "Maybe. She's smart, if a little emotional, and seems to have her head straight when it comes to family values". I begin to reciprocrate some of her affection.
And brahs, I tell you that within two months of goodness, she started playing games. All the sweetness, the emailing me every single day, the calling me almost every morning to see how I was and if i was free to talk after work, hot and cold.
Knowing women well, I ask her what's up once and one time only. She says "I'm on my period and my cat just died". The former was a lie, the latter was truth, both were an excuse. The chick was speaking to another dude and giving him the same ****!
I cut her off. And she comes to me, confessing exactly what I knew, but said she hadn't slept with him. I'm

But I'm a nice guy now, have already caught feelings, and she begged me to forgive her, so I gave her the benefit and told her "You're not seeing this guy again. Talk to him if he's your true friend, but you ain't seeing him". Another month of sweetness follows.
"He's gonna be in town for his b-day. Other people will be there. Can I see him?" I'm like, "See him, and we're done".
"Am I not allowed to have friends anymore?!" all that bull****. And with that, I tell her we're separated.
Brahs, the next evening the woman messages me that she slept with dude. And inside I'm

So I left that ***** right then and there. I was crushed, I admit, but left it alone and never showed anger or despair, but disappointment, even though I felt all of the above.
Within two weeks, feeling all torn up, I hit up my old list of hoes. Travelling all across the country, hitting up that *** with no feels given to the broads. I bump into the ex and she asks where I've been. I tell her. Guess what brehs! She wants to see me and hang out!

By this time, I still have feels for her, but I plan on talking only, and agree to seeing her. I can tell you dudes right now that my head was so numb, that I didn't see the clear and obvious fact that she wanted to smash. I was so messed up that even if her *** was rubbing on my nose and she was saying "Come on bigboy", I wouldn't've thought she wanted the D. I believed her lies that the meeting was only to talk (big mistake), but it was clear she wanted to keep me from leaving with a taste of that *****.
So we hang out and watch a few things, talk about our issues. I'm overwhelmed with seeing her again, and start kissing her. Keep in mind she's still with the dude she left me for. She's all: "no, no *moaning* it isn't right. Stop." So I stop, apologise.
Later, she starts kissing me! I don't resist. I say to her: "you can tell I still love you, right?" And with the sweetest smile, the biggest innocent eyes, the prettiest face, she nodded.
When it came to going to bed, I say "yeah, sleep on the couch. I'll be in the bedroom. Night" I didn't want to smash the GF of the guy she cheated on me with.
Brahs, ten minutes after the lights go out, ***** is like Freddie Kruger invading my room. "I want to be in here".
A lot happened. Girl was super honry. Open for me on my bed, but I had no jimmies, so I did not smash. I fell asleep with my head on her lap, talking. The girl stayed in the same position all night, stroking my hair.
Next day, we're holding hands. She's feeling depressed and guilty. I comfort her (don't want her in her current state), and tell her to patch things up with the guy she cheated on me with. She says it's ****** and calls herself a slut.
That night, I smash a next broad, brehs. And when the ex finds out, she said she's feels dirty and betrayed.
So here I am, trying to get over the girl who broke my heart, and she feels betrayed, because I'm not simping her. Even though she was just at my MY house, begging to be smashed behind her new boyfriend's back ON HIS BIRTHDAY.
And this was years ago. I still know this broad. And the story gets even funnier, twisted, and worse.
Evil brahs. Never fall for ANYTHING they say.