Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mar 27, 2013
I've been lurking for a minute, but the thread was too legendary to not drop something. Many men need to read this thread; black, white, asian, latino, whatever. It has some of the realist advice I've ever read.

Experience: former "nice guy", turned a$$hole, turned nice guy, turned wised-up.

Now let me tell you something. You'll hear a lot of people telling you how to attract women, but trust me, no matter how much game you have, how presentable you are, how much money, how much of a douche you are, the woman will need constant checking, or the disrespect will creep in.

You can't ever be fully trusting of them, sadly. And I say this from a long, long line of relationships. Even the "cool" ones won't like it if you lower yourself to their level. What's their level?--treating them as an equal human being you respect and have no intention to bully.

Every single woman, brahs -- there are no exceptions -- need to be bullied in some way and to differing degrees, whether it be being told what to do, what to think, or what to say.

When you break it down, the more look at a man and a woman as of equal worth, the worse it'll get for you. I didn't want it to be that way, but it's gotten to the point where if you don't adopt a superiority complex with them, they'll deem you inferior and/or insecure, all whilst whining and getting wet about you thinking you're so full of yourself (they love that ****). It's the truth, bro.

Lemme tell you about my days nice dude. No, wait, let me not: they sucked. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Loss of appetite. Wondering what I did wrong. Wondering why they cheated and went cold, when it was them.

And the worst thing? No accountability. None. Even concerning the smallest of the smallest error, a woman will hardly concede out of fairness or honour, but only when you and few others have her backed into a corner with undeniable proof. And even then, they'll try and twist it into being someone else's doing.

Now when I was jerk, I can tell you that it got to the point where I was smashing multiple broads a day. All types of women. All vying for my attention, simply because I didn't care what they had to say and saw them as holes. I didn't have to pretend that I was an a$$hole -- I tried that and it wasn't enough -- I had to actually almost hate them. And guess what? The ***** came flooding in like freshwater fish.

Fast-forward to all that negative energy wearing a guy, who didn't like being bad, down. Now I wanted to regain respect for myself and fix my **** up. As I'm exiting my bad stage, I meet this woman -- straight 9/10 body and face aesthetics and probably the funniest, seemingly intelligent, most attractive woman I'd seen at the time.

I'd known her for a year when she had a man, and I had my string of sluts. Nothing happened. I had no attraction. No ***** were given, we talked and joked, that's it. She disappears.

A year later, she comes back up. Single. I'm reborn as a good guy again and I'm single. She gives me this: "I had to cut ties with you, because I was falling for you". And I'm like :beli:. Not copping a word of that, but the woman keeps persisting she wanted me all along.

Night after night we talk about all types of things (woman could hold a decent conversation, is introverted and quiet, likes nerdy things, didn't club, and was hilarious, be warn!), and on one occassion she breaks down crying that I don't feel the same way. I'm STILL :beli: due to already done being a nice guy and a bad boy and knowing these here red flags.

But she stuck around, even though I said it was too soon for love and crap, saying she loves my ambition, mind, and occupation. Said she wanted to marry me, that the thought of any other man touching her felt wrong, all that ****.

Then it happan. I start feeling for this woman, thinking "Maybe. She's smart, if a little emotional, and seems to have her head straight when it comes to family values". I begin to reciprocrate some of her affection.

And brahs, I tell you that within two months of goodness, she started playing games. All the sweetness, the emailing me every single day, the calling me almost every morning to see how I was and if i was free to talk after work, hot and cold.

Knowing women well, I ask her what's up once and one time only. She says "I'm on my period and my cat just died". The former was a lie, the latter was truth, both were an excuse. The chick was speaking to another dude and giving him the same ****!

I cut her off. And she comes to me, confessing exactly what I knew, but said she hadn't slept with him. I'm :rudy:. Then she tells me she kissed him, but it was nothing.

But I'm a nice guy now, have already caught feelings, and she begged me to forgive her, so I gave her the benefit and told her "You're not seeing this guy again. Talk to him if he's your true friend, but you ain't seeing him". Another month of sweetness follows.

"He's gonna be in town for his b-day. Other people will be there. Can I see him?" I'm like, "See him, and we're done".

"Am I not allowed to have friends anymore?!" all that bull****. And with that, I tell her we're separated.

Brahs, the next evening the woman messages me that she slept with dude. And inside I'm :pacspit: but react to her with :mjpls: she goes on further about how good it was to feel loved, etc.

So I left that ***** right then and there. I was crushed, I admit, but left it alone and never showed anger or despair, but disappointment, even though I felt all of the above.

Within two weeks, feeling all torn up, I hit up my old list of hoes. Travelling all across the country, hitting up that *** with no feels given to the broads. I bump into the ex and she asks where I've been. I tell her. Guess what brehs! She wants to see me and hang out! :snoop: Telling me in exact words "I think it's great that you're going up and down the country, seeing all these women".

By this time, I still have feels for her, but I plan on talking only, and agree to seeing her. I can tell you dudes right now that my head was so numb, that I didn't see the clear and obvious fact that she wanted to smash. I was so messed up that even if her *** was rubbing on my nose and she was saying "Come on bigboy", I wouldn't've thought she wanted the D. I believed her lies that the meeting was only to talk (big mistake), but it was clear she wanted to keep me from leaving with a taste of that *****.

So we hang out and watch a few things, talk about our issues. I'm overwhelmed with seeing her again, and start kissing her. Keep in mind she's still with the dude she left me for. She's all: "no, no *moaning* it isn't right. Stop." So I stop, apologise.

Later, she starts kissing me! I don't resist. I say to her: "you can tell I still love you, right?" And with the sweetest smile, the biggest innocent eyes, the prettiest face, she nodded.

When it came to going to bed, I say "yeah, sleep on the couch. I'll be in the bedroom. Night" I didn't want to smash the GF of the guy she cheated on me with.

Brahs, ten minutes after the lights go out, ***** is like Freddie Kruger invading my room. "I want to be in here".

A lot happened. Girl was super honry. Open for me on my bed, but I had no jimmies, so I did not smash. I fell asleep with my head on her lap, talking. The girl stayed in the same position all night, stroking my hair.

Next day, we're holding hands. She's feeling depressed and guilty. I comfort her (don't want her in her current state), and tell her to patch things up with the guy she cheated on me with. She says it's ****** and calls herself a slut.

That night, I smash a next broad, brehs. And when the ex finds out, she said she's feels dirty and betrayed.

So here I am, trying to get over the girl who broke my heart, and she feels betrayed, because I'm not simping her. Even though she was just at my MY house, begging to be smashed behind her new boyfriend's back ON HIS BIRTHDAY.

And this was years ago. I still know this broad. And the story gets even funnier, twisted, and worse.

Evil brahs. Never fall for ANYTHING they say.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
:damn: The old simp in me is dying to come out, I wanna hold her hand, buy her flowers, buy her chocolate so we can feed each other, cook her dinner, text and call her all day long.

This the first girl I have dated since I seen the light, I'm tryna do things different this time.On the surface I'm playing it cool, but the simp in me wants to come out.


Mar 27, 2013
:damn: The old simp in me is dying to come out, I wanna hold her hand, buy her flowers, buy her chocolate so we can feed each other, cook her dinner, text and call her all day long.

This the first girl I have dated since I seen the light, I'm tryna do things different this time.On the surface I'm playing it cool, but the simp in me wants to come out.

And I wanted to buy my ex ice-cream and walk amid the flowers. It doesn't change the fact that she can be on you like a fiend on a speck of dope, but you still have watch out for the switch.

I'm not trying to knock your romance, man, but the fact that you have to put on this heavy mask will tire you out sooner or later. Inevitably, you're gonna reveal that you think about her all the time. Then she's got you. Then you'll start excusing her wack *** temperamental behaviour.

I know this, because you're hesitating and you know it to be true. Do not trust her.


May 17, 2012
A lot happened. Girl was super honry. Open for me on my bed, but I had no jimmies, so I did not smash. I fell asleep with my head on her lap, talking. The girl stayed in the same position all night, stroking my hair.

Next day, we're holding hands. She's feeling depressed and guilty. I comfort her (don't want her in her current state), and tell her to patch things up with the guy she cheated on me with. She says it's ****** and calls herself a slut.

That night, I smash a next broad, brehs. And when the ex finds out, she said she's feels dirty and betrayed.

So here I am, trying to get over the girl who broke my heart, and she feels betrayed, because I'm not simping her. Even though she was just at my MY house, begging to be smashed behind her new boyfriend's back ON HIS BIRTHDAY.

And this was years ago. I still know this broad. And the story gets even funnier, twisted, and worse.

Evil brahs. Never fall for ANYTHING they say.

wow. man. thats insane. the thing is, when u were simping this girl, i'm sure something was telling u to knock it off. despite ur past heartbreak, u were willing to love again.

love is a great feeling man. love and sex, i should say. i've found that if ur dealing with multiple women at the same time, it'll be very difficult to get emotionally invested into anyone the way u were with this girl and the way many of us are with chicks we really like.
only problem is, u goto be a damn magician to prevent them girls from finding out about each other. and being as careless as i am i'd get caught rather easily and i have been lol

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
@HummerCrusher that's pretty deep man. Crazy how she had the nerve to say she felt dirty and betrayed. bytch should feel dirty either way :pacspit:
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I've been lurking for a minute, but the thread was too legendary to not drop something. Many men need to read this thread; black, white, asian, latino, whatever. It has some of the realist advice I've ever read.

Experience: former "nice guy", turned a$$hole, turned nice guy, turned wised-up.

Now let me tell you something. You'll hear a lot of people telling you how to attract women, but trust me, no matter how much game you have, how presentable you are, how much money, how much of a douche you are, the woman will need constant checking, or the disrespect will creep in.

You can't ever be fully trusting of them, sadly. And I say this from a long, long line of relationships. Even the "cool" ones won't like it if you lower yourself to their level. What's their level?--treating them as an equal human being you respect and have no intention to bully.

Every single woman, brahs -- there are no exceptions -- need to be bullied in some way and to differing degrees, whether it be being told what to do, what to think, or what to say.

When you break it down, the more look at a man and a woman as of equal worth, the worse it'll get for you. I didn't want it to be that way, but it's gotten to the point where if you don't adopt a superiority complex with them, they'll deem you inferior and/or insecure, all whilst whining and getting wet about you thinking you're so full of yourself (they love that ****). It's the truth, bro.

Lemme tell you about my days nice dude. No, wait, let me not: they sucked. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Loss of appetite. Wondering what I did wrong. Wondering why they cheated and went cold, when it was them.

And the worst thing? No accountability. None. Even concerning the smallest of the smallest error, a woman will hardly concede out of fairness or honour, but only when you and few others have her backed into a corner with undeniable proof. And even then, they'll try and twist it into being someone else's doing.

Now when I was jerk, I can tell you that it got to the point where I was smashing multiple broads a day. All types of women. All vying for my attention, simply because I didn't care what they had to say and saw them as holes. I didn't have to pretend that I was an a$$hole -- I tried that and it wasn't enough -- I had to actually almost hate them. And guess what? The ***** came flooding in like freshwater fish.

Fast-forward to all that negative energy wearing a guy, who didn't like being bad, down. Now I wanted to regain respect for myself and fix my **** up. As I'm exiting my bad stage, I meet this woman -- straight 9/10 body and face aesthetics and probably the funniest, seemingly intelligent, most attractive woman I'd seen at the time.

I'd known her for a year when she had a man, and I had my string of sluts. Nothing happened. I had no attraction. No ***** were given, we talked and joked, that's it. She disappears.

A year later, she comes back up. Single. I'm reborn as a good guy again and I'm single. She gives me this: "I had to cut ties with you, because I was falling for you". And I'm like :beli:. Not copping a word of that, but the woman keeps persisting she wanted me all along.

Night after night we talk about all types of things (woman could hold a decent conversation, is introverted and quiet, likes nerdy things, didn't club, and was hilarious, be warn!), and on one occassion she breaks down crying that I don't feel the same way. I'm STILL :beli: due to already done being a nice guy and a bad boy and knowing these here red flags.

But she stuck around, even though I said it was too soon for love and crap, saying she loves my ambition, mind, and occupation. Said she wanted to marry me, that the thought of any other man touching her felt wrong, all that ****.

Then it happan. I start feeling for this woman, thinking "Maybe. She's smart, if a little emotional, and seems to have her head straight when it comes to family values". I begin to reciprocrate some of her affection.

And brahs, I tell you that within two months of goodness, she started playing games. All the sweetness, the emailing me every single day, the calling me almost every morning to see how I was and if i was free to talk after work, hot and cold.

Knowing women well, I ask her what's up once and one time only. She says "I'm on my period and my cat just died". The former was a lie, the latter was truth, both were an excuse. The chick was speaking to another dude and giving him the same ****!

I cut her off. And she comes to me, confessing exactly what I knew, but said she hadn't slept with him. I'm :rudy:. Then she tells me she kissed him, but it was nothing.

But I'm a nice guy now, have already caught feelings, and she begged me to forgive her, so I gave her the benefit and told her "You're not seeing this guy again. Talk to him if he's your true friend, but you ain't seeing him". Another month of sweetness follows.

"He's gonna be in town for his b-day. Other people will be there. Can I see him?" I'm like, "See him, and we're done".

"Am I not allowed to have friends anymore?!" all that bull****. And with that, I tell her we're separated.

Brahs, the next evening the woman messages me that she slept with dude. And inside I'm :pacspit: but react to her with :mjpls: she goes on further about how good it was to feel loved, etc.

So I left that ***** right then and there. I was crushed, I admit, but left it alone and never showed anger or despair, but disappointment, even though I felt all of the above.

Within two weeks, feeling all torn up, I hit up my old list of hoes. Travelling all across the country, hitting up that *** with no feels given to the broads. I bump into the ex and she asks where I've been. I tell her. Guess what brehs! She wants to see me and hang out! :snoop: Telling me in exact words "I think it's great that you're going up and down the country, seeing all these women".

By this time, I still have feels for her, but I plan on talking only, and agree to seeing her. I can tell you dudes right now that my head was so numb, that I didn't see the clear and obvious fact that she wanted to smash. I was so messed up that even if her *** was rubbing on my nose and she was saying "Come on bigboy", I wouldn't've thought she wanted the D. I believed her lies that the meeting was only to talk (big mistake), but it was clear she wanted to keep me from leaving with a taste of that *****.

So we hang out and watch a few things, talk about our issues. I'm overwhelmed with seeing her again, and start kissing her. Keep in mind she's still with the dude she left me for. She's all: "no, no *moaning* it isn't right. Stop." So I stop, apologise.

Later, she starts kissing me! I don't resist. I say to her: "you can tell I still love you, right?" And with the sweetest smile, the biggest innocent eyes, the prettiest face, she nodded.

When it came to going to bed, I say "yeah, sleep on the couch. I'll be in the bedroom. Night" I didn't want to smash the GF of the guy she cheated on me with.

Brahs, ten minutes after the lights go out, ***** is like Freddie Kruger invading my room. "I want to be in here".

A lot happened. Girl was super honry. Open for me on my bed, but I had no jimmies, so I did not smash. I fell asleep with my head on her lap, talking. The girl stayed in the same position all night, stroking my hair.

Next day, we're holding hands. She's feeling depressed and guilty. I comfort her (don't want her in her current state), and tell her to patch things up with the guy she cheated on me with. She says it's ****** and calls herself a slut.

That night, I smash a next broad, brehs. And when the ex finds out, she said she's feels dirty and betrayed.

So here I am, trying to get over the girl who broke my heart, and she feels betrayed, because I'm not simping her. Even though she was just at my MY house, begging to be smashed behind her new boyfriend's back ON HIS BIRTHDAY.

And this was years ago. I still know this broad. And the story gets even funnier, twisted, and worse.

Evil brahs. Never fall for ANYTHING they say.

Just half way through and feel like I wrote it :to:

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Mar 27, 2013
wow. man. thats insane. the thing is, when u were simping this girl, i'm sure something was telling u to knock it off. despite ur past heartbreak, u were willing to love again.

love is a great feeling man. love and sex, i should say. i've found that if ur dealing with multiple women at the same time, it'll be very difficult to get emotionally invested into anyone the way u were with this girl and the way many of us are with chicks we really like.
only problem is, u goto be a damn magician to prevent them girls from finding out about each other. and being as careless as i am i'd get caught rather easily and i have been lol

You gotta straight up not care about them to get in their hearts. But that's no way to live, I've decided, so **** it. Strangely, I have managed to get *** when I simped. Had all kinds of women spreading their couch and showing me their **** on instant messenger and begging me to nail it . . . and I did. Simping is a world of hurt and chaos, just like mackin'.

@HummerCrusher that's pretty deep man. Crazy how she had the nerve to say she felt dirty and betrayed. bytch should feel dirty either way :pacspit:

The story gets even worse, mayne. She started blowing up my phone, begging me to come back, telling me how good I smelled and all that ****, while she was still with the guy she screwed me over for (who wasn't even a simp, but a player with stacks of dough). Guy left her *** after a while. And she wanted me even more.

And it get even worse dan dat.
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Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
@HummerCrusher that bytch self destructive behavior gonna be the end of her. Reminds me of ginger from Casino.

On a side note, I was with some friends last night at a club, 1 of my friends was djing that night and invited his ex wife (they're both 24) so we're out smoking cigarettes and he walks with his ex wife and her friends somewhere, 20 minutes later I'm outside smoking a cigarette and he comes back trying to fight back tears. Another girl takes his hand and sits him on a bench trying to comfort him while he's crying. His ex wife comes looking for him and so she starts talking to me, weird thing is I basically dropped enough knowledge (drunk as hell) on this 24 year old chick that she stated "wow you're like my counselor, how do you know this stuff" I took a drag and told her I was just "smart" lol. So it turns out later on that I find out that this chick actually cheated on him and he caught her as well, while they were married, and she's going to get married to the guy she was cheating on him with in a few months.

My question is brehs, why would my friend first of all put himself through this shyt, my second question is why would this chick even show up with her girlfriends to his dj gig knowing that he still has feelings and she does as well, obviously. Is she getting those pre marital gitters, as in she's not ready to get married yet to anyone and hasn't found herself?
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May 6, 2012
when you ask a girl for something, either she's down or she isn't. Anything other than affirmative answer is a negative answer. if you want to play around with her and try to get her to drink the proverbial water, that's cool. but always remember that you always decide where your patience ends. She's not doing anything to you. You're doing it to yourself.


Mar 27, 2013
@HummerCrusher So it turns out later on that I find out that this chick actually cheated on him and he caught her as well, while they were married, and she's going to get married to the guy she was cheating on him with in a few months.

My question is brehs, why would my friend first of all put himself through this shyt, my second question is why would this chick even show up with her girlfriends to his dj gig knowing that he still has feelings and she does as well, obviously. Is she getting those pre marital gitters, as in she's not ready to get married yet to anyone and hasn't found herself?

You don't even need to ask why, man. You know already; to destroy him. Simple. Did I tell you that my old broad, after she cheated that one time, said these exact words to a close friend of mine: "He's just so controlled and unbreakable. Doesn't show emotion. Doesn't get angry. I don't know why, but I just want to destroy him."

I'm not even lying. I found out after the drama died down. Pure, unadulterated poison. Guys in here are right, young'uns, a lot of women out there want total domination of your heart, specifically to leave you like an empty shell; broken and wanting to die. It's no joke.

Lemme tell you about the current state of this girl (the story I told you all was five years ago). You say she's like Ginger. The girl is as bad as her, too. Most dudes would be dribblin like Wile E. Coyote. Sharon Stone level face and she's super funny, cynical.

And this is why even to this day, she's still man-hopping like a muhfug. She just broke her fiance's heart.

When I asked her, what happened? -- "I don't want to talk about it. I feel so bad". ****** swore blind to me a year ago that he was the one and it was the most serious ever. **** cray.

Now she has another man, and she's still talking it up with the ex-fiance, schedulling days with him for coffee, and the new dude is totally cool with it! :snoop: History repeat, my brethren.. Her self-destruction has me feeling bad for her sometimes. And to be honest, I still care about her in the way. She's just like Ginger, man. You're right. Only difference is she's not a dopefiend and academically, very, very bright.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It means a lot, man. I've been scoping your posts. You're too real.

man i think its time cracks knuckles to open up about the second women i ever "loved" in my life.

After my ex fiance, i dated a few broads nothing serious found out how women are, developed a non chalant attitude no longer caring, no longer looking nothing.

I was at the point where my roster was rebuilt, i had like 30-35 chicks in my phone, but was cautious of all women since i was destroyed previously and rebuilt. YOu know after you been in a severe car crash, your more aware? that was me.

:snoop: in advance

anyways i met this chick online, and we hit it off, decided to meet on a friday, at the last minute i didnt feel like going, wanted to just relax but i hatge standing people up so i dragged myself down there. Anyways we met and this girl was gorgeous as hell, 10 times better than her pictures. STRIKE 1.

so we go eat and watch a movie, and then we spend the next 3 hours like walking it was a pretty mild evening just talking. at the end of the night she kisses me, and says "ive never had a connection like this before" Strike 2 and she grabs my dikk while shes kissing me and then goes off to her bus i was like :gladbron:

A few more dates and shes asks me to be her bf, i was like :gladbron: damn this gorgeous ass girl wants me to be her man so im like sure,.

So anyways we start dating, my birthday is like a few weeks later, she comes over to my house meets my parents , and we smash on my bday for the first time.

We continue to f like rabbits for the next few weeks/months, every weekend we are at like a hotel, spending like every day together and ish. She tells me she loves me and asks me if i love her.

I tell her, I'm not sure. Every day she seems to ask me do you love me yet, and i keep saying im not sure. Anyways on fb this ratchet ass girl messages me how my girl is a whore and she knows liek 5 guys who hvae slept with her, I ask my girl and shes like its all lies of course being the simp i was i believe her.

Anyways i finally tell her I love her, and ish is like samson telling delihah his hair is his strength.

This was like 6 months in, suddenly everything starts to change ever so slowly, i start getting walked over, treated like hell but because im not a confrontational person i keep quiet, her phone gets cut off and suddenly can i get on your line ill pay you monthly, sure hun, only for me to get screwed in like 500 charges yes i was a friggin dumb ass simp :snoop:

so anyways her mom lives in another province and wants to meet me so im like sure, so we head there. Only to find out her moms bf is not working (he worked like in another province adn only came home like 1 week out of the month), and then i find out she was raped by him when she was 15 onwards and thats why she moved to another province.

So now we have nowhere to stay, and of course im the only one with the credit card, so had to dish out like 700 on my visa for like 4 days for a hotel, of course ill pay you back reincar

anyways i go take a dump in the hotel and her phone is there so i pick it up and what do i see, text messages from her "a$$hole ex" talking about when she gets back hes gonna fuk her in teh azz and ish, heart beating fast pissed as hell, i just wipe my azz wash my hands and storm out of the room. she quickly calls me crying.

i dont come back till like 2am, the typical wah wah im sorry, plz forgive me, then she sucks my dikk and lets me tape cuz she wants me ot know that "she loves me and trusts me"

anyways im like head over heels for this girl like a frigging idiot even though shes friggin poison that face that azz , the sex.

months go on everything seems cool, she lived at her dads throughout all this time like a hour away from me, then it seemed he got tired of her lifestyle and kicked her out, my mom being the good christian mom took her in and for like 4 months she lived in my house rent free :snoop:

everything was going great, i was even thinking of making that next step getting engaged for the second time but i still reminisced to when i was on the toilet and reading that text.

like the next week my dikk starts to itch and starts to burn when pissing, i go to the dr and i test positive for chlamydia, im like :why:, ive only been with one partner for like a year, dr said symptoms show up pretty quickly, so in my head im like dman this bytch cheated on me, but im googling and looking for excuses like it can lay dormant and stuff and pop up

anyways my last real semi relationship before this, i found out i was being played with a keylogger, so im like lets see what i can find here before i start making accusations, so i throw it back on my pc, as she always used my pc

So anyways what do i find brehs? she has two facebooks, one in with she was in a relationship with me, and the other in which shes like single, messaging her ex azzhole, im like wtf. I check her emails and shes writing a long ass email to this "ex a$$hole" who cheated on her, how she loves him and hes the only man for her and ish. Im heated and and tell her to get the f out of my house, moms trying to calm me down and im like no i dont want her in my house anymore.

this is like 1130pm in the night, my mom is crying like whats going on, dad isnt home.
im lik enothing i just dont want her here, she calls that "ex a$$hole" and he comes and gets her and her stuff.

the simp in me is feeling all sad, like maybe i was to mean etc. :snoop:

anyways this chick comes back like a week later to pick up more of her stuff, of course like a idiot i sleep with her again:notimpressed:, we dont talk again for like two weeks, then she texts me how shes at the hospital and bleeding, i dont reply, then half hour later she says dr says shes pregnant, so i go to the hospital.

Dr says shes having a miscarriage, im sitting there like so? this nygga aint mine probably, googling on my phone can you miscarriage like 3 weeks after sex?

anyways that was it breh, changed my phone number, blocked her on fb and went on with my life, then like 5 months later she calls my mom how shes in the hospital her appendix burst, at like 12am my mom and dad go to the hospital, not even her own dad went or any of her "friends" went. Im like i aint going.

anyways things get worse and shes near death, so i text :whoa:, of course she recovers, and says she still loves me

anyways her ex a$$hole bf as she called him, they got back together till he hit her and cheated on her again, of course she tried to come back to safe reincar but sorry wasnt interested.

Anyways we drift apart, then like 2 years ago i get a text guess what?

and im like whose this?

and shes like its me

im like ok

and shes like guess what i got a job near where you live and im moving down the street, so yeah this chick lives on my street like 20 houses down in a basement apartment, and to add to that this chick never went to church, suddenly every sunday shes at my church. Now that my parents are here for spring/summer as they live in jamaica for fall and winter she even has the nerve to come over writing my mom cards how she thinks of her as a 2nd mom and all that ish

Luckily im at a point where im strong like a ox, and know all the tricks of the trade. I still have not said more than a hi and a bye to her in like a year and a half.

Sometimes i wonder if i wasn't a christian these past few years the things I would do, tell my family how shes a lying cheating std giving whore, release the video of her sucking my dikk on the internet, kill her in a fit of rage for screwing me over.

instead by God's grace i just sit back, ive already won. :fidel:

yes the master jedi reincar was a frigging simp azz dude at one point, i did it so you dont have to.