I don't even mean to be rude or harsh but all dem women had their chance. They had guys proposed and they said no, they had guys interested in them and they said no. That's why no simpathy on my end. These chicks the equivalent of a star scoring 30ppg at 27 but now they avg 3ppg at age 37
I always go back tot his article for brehettes
The other day, I ran into a guy I hadn't seen for a while - a younger guy. 'You look hot,' he said. And for one delicious moment, I believed him
Men don't look at me the way they used to. In general, they don't look at me at all. This is what happens when a woman turns 40 (50, 60 etc.). It's a fact of life.
In theory, this is supposed to be an exhilarating passage in the life of a woman. At last we're liberated from the tyranny of the male gaze! We don't have to care what men think of us any more. We're free to be our true, authentic self. We can wear a red hat.
In reality, it sucks. I'd give a lot for men to look at me like that again.