How do you all feel about some modern women being resistant to marriage and motherhood citing single women are the happiest? I see this rhetoric and it frustrates me because I'm pro-marriage in the sense I believe it's the best foundation for both partners as well as building a family. I also think about the fragility of the Black community and think while there are children that come out of single parent households, etc I do NOT want to risk it.
These women I notice aren't necessarily career driven, but they use their career as a hedge against being dependent on a man, which I get. But I also see it as somewhat counterintuitive if you want to have a successful long term relationship with someone.
I will say also the women who have gripes about patriarchal or heteronormative societal norms tend to be politically liberal and if you think about it some things about marriage and the family unit is illiberal in nature, but IMO not in a malicious manner. I think there's things men could do better to be better partners, but I'd argue that Black men are the most progressive in sharing household duties with their partners, more involved parents, etc. We just had White supremacy against us for the longest and still do so I think these discussions are generally best suited towards other men.