I have kids and just visualize how I would do it and I couldn’t breh. I mean off the bat I wouldn’t I would tolerate till I got my ducks in a row then bounce tho
As far as the phone thing I disagree to a extent
My wife has my password and I have hers now I don’t go looking for shyt in her phone and whatnot but from past experience if something is off and it’s obvious damn right gonna look
I respect people privacy but if you acting funky I wanna know why and from my ex wife when she was acting off and then didn’t even give me no sex on my birthday

after taking me out I checked her shyt a week later come to find out she was cheating on me and planned on leaving me when I went thru her phone I

her real quick and she wasn’t mad at all was actually happy so that’s my view point in looking into phones
Leave it alone respect their privacy only do it if something is seriously off only reason why cus if u just do it all the time ur gonna see shyt that will hurt ur feelings that may not be cheating could be girl talk and ur not gonna be able to handle it then wanna get mad and her response could be don’t look my stuff if u can’t handle it so there’s that
That’s what i tell my wife if she go thru my stuff when it’s guy talk