They have apps that bypasses blocked numbers give it a try if you’re in the mood to throw some Hail Marys

They have apps that bypasses blocked numbers give it a try if you’re in the mood to throw some Hail Marys
Story of the last chick I was fukking with...Having tough convos remove that insulation and forces people into uncomfortable situations that they avoided for most of their lives
I swear I’m low key clairvoyant both my ex’s reached out to me last night
What's your plan?
In all honesty she hit me up in the middle of the night so when I woke up it was already like 5 hours late. Other one hit me on Tik tok trying to feel me out, I just smashed something a couple weeks back and this might sound crazy but I just don’t 100% feel myself rn because I just cut my hair off that I’ve been growing since 2014. I feel like that was an aura death (I did save my hair in a bag for both times I cut it, I plan on reattaching my hair I cut in 2018 back to the top of my head and fade) so I’m rocking the @TripleAgent just a lil shorter so I didn’t plan on seeing anyone I know until I reattach my hair and both girls really all of them have begged me not to cut my hair I don’t want to deal with the reaction I’ve already received some crazy reactions from the people I’ve seen but her sex game is S tier. I also don’t work at the moment so I would prefer for her to come to my place especially since I don’t have any roommates or family here like she does. How should I go about it? I’m pretty sure she was drunk or off the yola and was mad horny but she’s hit me up periodically in the past and I’ll seldomly respond I’ve seen her like a year ago so I’m sure I can either get her to come here or I’ll have to go to her place and she’ll cash out for me I got these girls wrapped around my finger I’m ngl I’ve dikkmatized them to oblivion I can’t do no wrong in their eyes (other than cut my hair)What's your plan?
Women straight up asking for money nowadays after knowing them a week
Sad timesYeah akhi
And I don’t even live in atl
In all honesty she hit me up in the middle of the night so when I woke up it was already like 5 hours late. Other one hit me on Tik tok trying to feel me out, I just smashed something a couple weeks back and this might sound crazy but I just don’t 100% feel myself rn because I just cut my hair off that I’ve been growing since 2014. I feel like that was an aura death (I did save my hair in a bag for both times I cut it, I plan on reattaching my hair I cut in 2018 back to the top of my head and fade) so I’m rocking the @TripleAgent just a lil shorter so I didn’t plan on seeing anyone I know until I reattach my hair and both girls really all of them have begged me not to cut my hair I don’t want to deal with the reaction I’ve already received some crazy reactions from the people I’ve seen but her sex game is S tier. I also don’t work at the moment so I would prefer for her to come to my place especially since I don’t have any roommates or family here like she does. How should I go about it? I’m pretty sure she was drunk or off the yola and was mad horny but she’s hit me up periodically in the past and I’ll seldomly respond I’ve seen her like a year ago so I’m sure I can either get her to come here or I’ll have to go to her place and she’ll cash out for me I got these girls wrapped around my finger I’m ngl I’ve dikkmatized them to oblivion I can’t do no wrong in their eyes (other than cut my hair)
I had 5 girl rotation in Nairobi just few days ago ..
Meanwhile I’m back in Canada on tinder swiping