Met this girl last Saturday & the vibe has been crazy. The sh*t is literally going at 150 MPH. I feel in order to keep it sustainable, I need to slow this down before I get caught up. Genuinely considering imposing no sex for a certain amount of time so we can focus on friendship...
Have any of you guys had any experience imposing a period of no sex with women? What have their reactions been like?
Ive never imposed the restriction myself, but I'd be interested to hear her reaction if you lay down the gauntlet. That said, Ive had relationships where we started out fckin, or taken our time and its all been a mixed bag depending upon the person, in terms of success rate with the female in question.
From where I sit...delaying sex is just delaying the inevitable. The relationship is gunna change once you start having sex, because you are physically engaging with and releasing chemicals within the body. Whether thats the first night, or two years after getting to know each other --- sht is gunna change between the two of you, doggy. It all boils down to how mature the both of you are, how much you like one another, and how much both of you are willing to sacrifice to keep the connection aflame. Time is just that --- time. It wont change much, IMO. Its all situational and depends on the person ur dealing with.
I think age is an important variable for obvious reasons here....the younger she is, the higher the likelihood that she will be frustrated, or confused by your suggestion to delay sex. Good luck tho, fam!