getting back late to someone made sense 15 years ago
But In 2023
But In 2023
bush herYea for about a year. This woman is a teacher and wouldn’t be allowed on her phone during class and still got right back to me. Would see me at any time always called right back if she missed it. She was busier last year but made more time for meI’m in my 30s now and I have that sixth scent when it comes to bullshyt. She started getting distant over the summer. The final straw was when I hit her in the morning and she didn’t respond until the next day.. we would talk daily but now you ghost? Only saw me once in the last 2 weeks.
If I was younger I would have been “what’s going on you’re not the same?” stressing and shyt.
It’s crazy. They wake up one day and that’s it. In reality she was probably planning her exit like they all do but I beat her to the punch. That begging pleading shyt don’t workI’m sad over it but I’ll be alright.
bush her
And I bet you few months later she’s going to spin the block
Young Guns, What does it mean when all of her Instagram pics are selfies?
Had to walk away from a girl I had strong feelings for. The energy changed with her. Not texting me back right away, not calling as much, couldn’t spend as much time with me. She said she got busy with work and life but we all know that if a woman really wants to see you, they gonna make it happen. Just had that feeling in my gut and had to bounce she swore up and down that things were the same but my gut was screaming at meIdk if I’m making a mistake or not but the last time I didn’t listen to my gut I got burned…
We've all been there brehs non stop messages, first few phone calls hours . Constant dates , everything just connecting
Then boom.busy with work or with life. If you don't message they never do . If you don't call they never do.
They are not busy. I've dated a gynecologist, I've dated a lawyer at a big firm. They all had time to message or reschedule if they were "busy"
Women use busy as a easy way to let you down hoping you get the point to stop messaging and calling.
Just go out anywhere the avg person is looking at their phone every five min at least.
The same woman who is so busy with work is texting during work hours and scrolling through social media
Dap + Rep for handling it correctly. No Drake shyt, no emo, no blowing up her phone.Yea for about a year. This woman is a teacher and wouldn’t be allowed on her phone during class and still got right back to me. Would see me at any time always called right back if she missed it. She was busier last year but made more time for meI’m in my 30s now and I have that sixth scent when it comes to bullshyt. She started getting distant over the summer. The final straw was when I hit her in the morning and she didn’t respond until the next day.. we would talk daily but now you ghost? Only saw me once in the last 2 weeks.
If I was younger I would have been “what’s going on you’re not the same?” stressing and shyt.
It’s crazy. They wake up one day and that’s it. In reality she was probably planning her exit like they all do but I beat her to the punch. That begging pleading shyt don’t workI’m sad over it but I’ll be alright.
Sheisty individual. Handle accordingly if you do hit.Shorty shootin' signals behind her girlfriend back. Haaaa.
Dap + Rep for handling it correctly. No Drake shyt, no emo, no blowing up her phone.
Let her go in peace and wish her the best in all her future dating endeavors. This is the way
Yeah. I smiled and kept it movin'.Sheisty individual. Handle accordingly if you do hit.
Good thing is it was only a year and y’all didn’t seem to deep.Yea for about a year. This woman is a teacher and wouldn’t be allowed on her phone during class and still got right back to me. Would see me at any time always called right back if she missed it. She was busier last year but made more time for meI’m in my 30s now and I have that sixth scent when it comes to bullshyt. She started getting distant over the summer. The final straw was when I hit her in the morning and she didn’t respond until the next day.. we would talk daily but now you ghost? Only saw me once in the last 2 weeks.
If I was younger I would have been “what’s going on you’re not the same?” stressing and shyt.
It’s crazy. They wake up one day and that’s it. In reality she was probably planning her exit like they all do but I beat her to the punch. That begging pleading shyt don’t workI’m sad over it but I’ll be alright.
She's the one who's suppose to be giving out nicknamesWhen you give her a nickname and she says
“You can call me (her name)”
You ain’t that guy
Notice that too. Elementary school is the prototype for female and male relationships.It's elementary shyt we learned in high school
the minute she stops sweating you is the minute another dude caught her fancy and made her tingle
strike while the iron's hot, enjoy your turn, and when her feelings get spun up by the next man charge it to the game and KIM
"I'm busier than Jeff Bezos," ghosting, leaving you on read, "I just saw this" 3 days later: IT'S OVER