I went on a date yesterday morning (Sunday)
She seems like a great girl. She isn't the "sexy" type but she's kinda pretty. She's smart af, got her masters, teaches elementary school, lives in an affluent area in the DMV, and chill af
I feel like she was either nervous or self conscious during the date. She would look sad at times and gaze for a second with this look in her eyes. Can't explain it. I'd bring up positive things she mentioned before and she'd light up. Maybe anxiety idk
If she wants me, I'd be willing to go further. I'm not chasing her. She's actually someone I'd be friends with legitimately
She's a believer and she goes to church. Levelheaded. She reads. Got me hip to a local library imma definitely visit this summer. She just has her life in order. I need people like that in my life, romantic relationship or not
I'm not dating like that really. I'm on some meet women and see where it goes type of time. Vetting solid, genuine women and just going with the flow. It's way more peaceful that way