Can you explain this thing with older women though? What is it that makes them carelessly approach me? Do they see me in a more mature manner than guys my age, or do they get off on talking to younger guys? I can't figure them out. I get a wanted feeling from them, but sometimes I get a motherly feeling from them and even if they're clearly coming onto me I'm too scared to ask for the digits. Is this normal? And if so how do I get over it? It seems like most guys my age don't get hit on by older white women like me
could be a lot of things, could be she's attracted to you physically, could be the "taboo" forbidden fruit effect of it, could be the ego boost for her, could be that she's unhappy in her marriage or bored, needs attention etc, etc. be careful that she's not just trying to play you for attention. best way to protect yourself against that is to not act out of character. You'll never know what she's thinking or if she's playing a game but if you remain yourself, she could never play you because you're not even playing her game or even worried about her game. your attention is yours to give freely just like her puss is hers. your time, kindness and attention is like "your p*ssy" as a man. if you give it up easy she'll then try to smut you like a cheap slut and she'll even brag to her homegirls about your simping like we would brag about fukking young dizzy hoes. keep your focus on what you want and desire, be real about it, be respectful and if she wants the same thing you'll get cooperation.
also more often then not they don't even realize that they're doing it, let alone "why?". that woman that approached you about her daughter, it's very possible that in her mind she sincerely wants to hook you up with her daughter. doesn't have to be that she planned to use that as an excuse. don't even worry too much about what she's really thinking or why cause you'll never know for sure. it doesn't even have to be a logical thing, it could be visceral on her part.
Worry more about being you and bettering yourself. being comfortable and relaxed. be secure and real about what you want and desire. Then once you're relaxed and at peace, observe. If you're scared to ask for the digits because you're scared that she will reject you that means that're not very confident that she wants you. 2. even if she does reject you, you think that her rejecting you would somehow redefine who you are (maybe you think it redifines you as a loser?)
if a chick you think is feeling you rejects you it could mean 3 things
a: you misinterpreted the info and she wasn't choosing you like you thought. in that case you need to re-evaluate how you observe analyze and interpret.
b: she was feeling you but she's playing games/fronting on you. in that case it's on her, on to the next one until she gets her mind right
c: she subconciously wants you but isn't ready to fully admit consciously to herself that she wants you. in that case she'll also come around eventually.
again, my advice is to be yourself, be relaxed and wait for her to give you signs that she's choosing. after she chose you, you just need to work out the "issues" but the more she chooses you, the more she'll cooperate and help you solve those very "issues". the tricky part is to make your intent known to her without falling into her game. the main thing she has to
feel (not necessarely think conciously but at least
feel, there is an important nuance there) is that you want ________(insert whatever you want here, could be sex, companionship, getting to know her more, her number, etc) but you,re not willing to sacrifice your convictions, your soul or your identity to get that from her. if she's down great, if not you could be dissapointed but either way you know where you want to go and you will get there. the only question is, does she want to join the ride or not? if she gets that feeling from you, and if she's attracted...
Gotta give credit to Kidd. his material definitely inspired this post.