You’re about to marry this woman. You can look forward to paying for the marriage, the diamond ring, the obligatory 2 children that most couples obtain in 4 years, her education loans, the house, the car(s), clothes and food for children and wife, and in return for what?
The amount of sex you’ll be able to get in roughly two years, subtracted the time were natural causes are involved, such as pregnancy, childbirth, periods, arguments, and “not tonight, honey, I have a headache’s”.
Let’s say that is roughly equivalent of 2 X 365 days = 730 days, where you can get your rock’s off.
Then you’d have to add the countless arguments, the deceit, the heartbreak, the financial worries, the following divorce, where you’ll be stripped of every asset you have ever obtained before marrying her, as well as the ones obtained during the marriage itself, only to end up being raped in divorce court and stripped of basic human rights.
It doesn’t stop here…
Then you can look forward to starting all over on your own, while having to pay alimony to someone you wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire under normal cirumstances. Also, the costs involved with bringing up 2 children, that you will most likely not get to see, and later getting them through college, for 18 years, and end up watching another man take credits for their upbringing later.
That amounts to roughly 6570 days in the threadmill, while your value to any woman coming after that will be considerably deflated, because you’re basically broke most of the time.
Did I miss anything, because it seems to me that 730 days of fun in exchange for 6570 days as a wage slave, with the added physical, economic, and emotional costs involved, are nowhere near anything remotely close to a bargain?
What it DOES look like, is a very good reason that men don’t live as long as women do, and you might as well go jump off a bridge instead, to spare yourself the pain and heartache involved.
Not that I plan to.
But then again, I’m not planning on getting married either..